#! @PERL@ -wT -I@cgibin@ # Change a DCC end-user's password # --S-LICENSE-- # $Revision: 1.22 $ # @configure_input@ # This file must protected with equivalents to the httpd.conf lines # in the README file. use strict 'subs'; use 5.004; use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); use common; sub emsg { my($msg) = html_str_encode(@_); $msg =~ s/^\s+//; $msg =~ s/\s+$//; $msg =~ s/\n/
\n/g; return "

$msg"; } my($preq, $passwd1, $passwd2, @file, %dict, $locked, $result_msg, $restart_url); read_whiteclnt(\@file, \%dict); $webusers="$DCCM_USERDIRS/webusers"; $webusers = "@prefix@/$webusers" if ($webusers !~ /^\//); $webusers_lock="$webusers.lock"; $passwd1 = $query{passwd1} ? $query{passwd1} : ""; $passwd2 = $query{passwd2} ? $query{passwd2} : ""; if ($hostname eq "www.rhyolite.com" && $ENV{AuthName} && $ENV{AuthName} eq "DCC-demo-cgi" && $user eq "cgi-demo" && $passwd1 && $passwd2 && $passwd1 eq $passwd2) { $passwd1 = "cgi-demo"; $passwd2 = "cgi-demo"; } $preq="The password must be 4 or more characters."; $locked = ($whiteclnt_lock =~ /\blocked/) ? " disabled" : ""; if ($locked) { $result_msg = emsg("$whiteclnt locked; password not changed"); } elsif (!$passwd1) { if ($locked) { $result_msg = emsg("$whiteclnt locked"); } else { $result_msg = html_str_encode($preq); } } elsif (length($passwd1) < 4) { $result_msg = emsg("$preq"); } elsif ($passwd1 ne $passwd2) { $result_msg = emsg("The two copies of the password differ."); } elsif ($passwd1 !~ /^([^'"`]+)$/) { $result_msg = emsg("Quotes are not allowed in passwords."); } else { $passwd1 = $1; # quite Perl taint warnings # use a separate lock file in case htpasswd does some locking of its own if (!sysopen(LOCKFH, "$webusers_lock", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)) { $result_msg = emsg("open($webusers_lock): $!"); } elsif (!flock(LOCKFH, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { $result_msg = emsg("$webusers_lock busy: $!\nTry again"); close(LOCKFH); } else { $locked = " disabled"; open(CMD, "@HTPASSWD@ -b $webusers '$user' '$passwd1' 2>&1 |"); if (!read(CMD, $result_msg, 1000)) { $result_msg = emsg("read(htpasswd): $!"); # put the error message into the Apache error log print STDERR "DCC cgi chgpasswd $result_msg\n"; $result_msg = emsg($result_msg); close(CMD); close(LOCKFH); } else { close(LOCKFH); if (!close(CMD)) { $result_msg = ($! ? "$result_msg\nclose(htpasswd): $!" : "$result_msg\nhtpasswd exit status $?"); # put the error message into the Apache error log print STDERR "DCC cgi chgpasswd $result_msg\n"; $result_msg = emsg($result_msg); } else { $restart_url = ($query{goback} && $query{goback} ne $passwd_url ? "$query{goback}$url_suffix" : $edit_url); $restart_url .= $url_ques; } } } } html_head("Change DCC Password for $user", $restart_url); print "

Change DCC Password for $user


\n"; common_buttons(); print <


$result_msg EOF html_footer(); print "\n\n";