/* Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse * * --C-LICENSE-- * * $Revision: 1.25 $ */ #include "dcc_defs.h" /* because tv.tv_sec is not a time_t on all systems * and to be thread safe on WIN32 */ const struct tm * dcc_localtime(time_t secs, struct tm *result) { #ifdef HAVE_LOCALTIME_R result = localtime_r(&secs, result); #else dcc_localtime_lock(); result = localtime(&secs); dcc_localtime_unlock(); #endif return result; } const char * dcc_time2str(char *buf, size_t buf_len, const char *pat, time_t secs) { struct tm tm; if (0 >= strftime(buf, buf_len, pat, dcc_localtime(secs, &tm))) STRLCPY(buf, "...?", buf_len); return buf; } int dcc_get_secs(const char *s, const char **end, int min, int max, int def) { const char *cp; char *p; int secs; if (*s == '\0' || *s == ',') { secs = def; cp = s; } else if (min > 0 && !CLITCMP(s, "never")) { cp = s+LITZ("never"); secs = max; } else if ((secs = strtoul(s, &p, 10)) >= DCC_MAX_SECS/60) { return -1; } else if (*(cp = p) == '\0' || *cp == ',') { ; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "seconds")) { cp += LITZ("seconds"); } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "s")) { cp += LITZ("s"); } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "minutes")) { cp += LITZ("minutes"); secs *= 60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "minute")) { cp += LITZ("minute"); secs *= 60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "m")) { cp += LITZ("m"); secs *= 60; } else if (secs >= DCC_MAX_SECS/(60*60)) { return -1; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "hours")) { cp += LITZ("hours"); secs *= 60*60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "hour")) { cp += LITZ("hour"); secs *= 60*60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "h")) { cp += LITZ("h"); secs *= 60*60; } else if (secs >= DCC_MAX_SECS/(24*60*60)) { return -1; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "days")) { cp += LITZ("days"); secs *= 24*60*60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "day")) { cp += LITZ("day"); secs *= 24*60*60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "d")) { cp += LITZ("d"); secs *= 24*60*60; } else if (secs >= DCC_MAX_SECS/(7*24*60*60)) { return -1; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "weeks")) { cp += LITZ("weeks"); secs *= 7*24*60*60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "week")) { cp += LITZ("week"); secs *= 7*24*60*60; } else if (!CLITCMP(cp, "w")) { cp += LITZ("w"); secs *= 7*24*60*60; } else { return -1; } if (secs > max) return -1; if (secs < min && secs != 0) return -1; if (*cp != '\0') { if (*cp != ',' || !end) return -1; ++cp; } if (end) *end = cp; return secs; } time_t tv_diff2us(const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2) { time_t us; /* prevent overflow */ us = tv1->tv_sec - tv2->tv_sec; if (us <= -FOREVER_SECS) return -FOREVER_US; if (us >= FOREVER_SECS) return FOREVER_US; us = us*DCC_US + (tv1->tv_usec - tv2->tv_usec); return us; } void tv_add(struct timeval *tgt, const struct timeval *a, const struct timeval *b) { tgt->tv_sec = a->tv_sec + b->tv_sec; tgt->tv_usec = a->tv_usec + b->tv_usec; tgt->tv_sec += tgt->tv_usec / DCC_US; tgt->tv_usec %= DCC_US; } void tv_add_us(struct timeval *tgt, time_t us) { time_t secs; us = tgt->tv_usec + us; if (us >= 0) { tgt->tv_sec += us / DCC_US; tgt->tv_usec = us % DCC_US; } else { secs = (DCC_US - 1 - us) / DCC_US; tgt->tv_sec -= secs; tgt->tv_usec = (secs * DCC_US) + us; } }