/* Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse * * --C-LICENSE-- * $Revision: 1.69 $ */ #include "dcc_clnt.h" #include "dcc_xhdr.h" static void print_srvr(const DCC_SRVR_CLASS *class, const DCC_SRVR_ADDR *ap, u_char print_name, u_char have_rtt_adj) { char srvr_nm[DCC_MAXDOMAINLEN]; char a1[DCC_SU2STR_SIZE+1+5]; DCC_SOCKU su; int addr_len, name_len, i, j; printf("# %1s", class->srvr_inx == ap - class->addrs ? "*" : ""); if (print_name) { dcc_ip2su(&su, &ap->ip); dcc_su2name(srvr_nm, sizeof(srvr_nm), &su); } else { srvr_nm[0] = '\0'; } addr_len = dcc_ap2str_opt(a1, sizeof(a1), class, ap - class->addrs, '-'); name_len = strlen(srvr_nm); i = 22 - (name_len-25); if (i < 1) i = 1; else if (i > 22) i = 22; j = 25 - (addr_len-22); if (j < 1) j = 1; else if (j > 25) j = 25; printf("%-*s %-*s", i, a1, j, srvr_nm); if (ap->srvr_id != DCC_ID_INVALID) { i = 16 - ((addr_len+name_len) - (22+25)); if (i < 1) i = 1; else if (i > 16) i = 16; printf(" %*s ID %d", i, ap->brand, ap->srvr_id); if (ap->srvr_pkt_vers != DCC_PKT_VERS) printf("\n# protocol version %d", ap->srvr_pkt_vers); } putchar('\n'); if (ap->rtt >= DCC_RTT_BAD) { fputs("# not answering\n", stdout); return; } if (ap->total_xmits == 0) { printf("# %22s", ""); } else { printf("# %3.0f%% of %2d requests ok", (ap->total_resps*100.0)/ap->total_xmits, ap->total_xmits); } if (have_rtt_adj) { if (ap->srvr_pkt_vers < DCC_PKT_VERS_CLNT_OK && ap->srvr_id != DCC_ID_INVALID) { i = printf("%8.2f%+d+%d ms RTT", ap->rtt/1000.0, class->nms[ap->nam_inx].rtt_adj/1000, DCC_RTT_VERS_ADJ/1000); } else { i = printf("%8.2f%+d ms RTT", ap->rtt/1000.0, class->nms[ap->nam_inx].rtt_adj/1000); } } else { i = printf("%8.2f ms RTT", ap->rtt/1000.0); } i = (i >= 22) ? 1 : (22-i); printf(" %*s %4d ms queue wait\n", i, "", ap->srvr_wait/1000); } void print_info_src(const DCC_CLNT_INFO *info, const char *label) { char sustr[DCC_SU2STR_SIZE]; const char *sep; sep = " "; if (info->src4.ip.family != AF_UNSPEC) { printf("%s%s%s%s", sep, label, dcc_ip2str(sustr, sizeof(sustr), &info->src4.ip), info->src4.failed != 0 ? " "DCC_INFO_TXT_USE_SRCBAD : ""); sep = ","; label = ""; } if (info->src6.ip.family != AF_UNSPEC) { printf("%s%s%s%s", sep, label, dcc_ip2str(sustr, sizeof(sustr), &info->src6.ip), info->src6.failed != 0 ? " "DCC_INFO_TXT_USE_SRCBAD : ""); } } /* dump the /var/dcc/map file */ void print_info(const char *map_nm, /* or null for temporary file */ const DCC_CLNT_INFO *info, u_char quiet, u_char grey, /* 0=normal 1=grey 2=explict grey */ u_char names, u_char show_passwd) { #define dcc_clnt_info info DCC_PATH path; char date_buf[40]; int port; NAM_INX nam_inx; const DCC_SRVR_CLASS *class; const DCC_SRVR_ADDR *ap,*ap_prev, *ap_next; u_char printed_addr[DCC_MAX_SRVR_ADDRS]; u_char have_rtt_adj; u_char need_blank_line; int i; class = grey ? &info->grey : &info->dcc; need_blank_line = 0; if (map_nm && !quiet) { time_t now; now = time(0); printf("# %-s %s%s\n", dcc_time2str(date_buf, sizeof(date_buf), "%x %X %Z", now), grey ? "greylist " : "", dcc_fnm2abs_msg(&path, map_nm)); fputs("# ", stdout); if ((time_t)class->resolve > now || dcc_clnt_debug) printf("Re-resolve names after %s ", dcc_time2str(date_buf, sizeof(date_buf), "%X", class->resolve)); if ((time_t)class->measure > now || dcc_clnt_debug) printf("Check RTTs after %s", dcc_time2str(date_buf, sizeof(date_buf), "%X", class->measure)); putchar('\n'); fputs("# ", stdout); i = 0; for (ap = class->addrs; ap <= LAST(class->addrs); ++ap) { if (ap->rtt != DCC_RTT_BAD && ap->ip.family != AF_UNSPEC) ++i; } if (i > 1 || dcc_clnt_debug) printf("%6.2f ms threshold, %4.2f ms average ", class->thold_rtt/1000.0, class->avg_thold_rtt/1000.0); printf("%d total, %d working servers\n", class->num_srvrs, i); if (class->fail_exp != 0) { int fail_time = class->fail_time - now; if (fail_time > 0 && fail_time <= DCC_MAX_FAIL_SECS) { printf("# continue not asking %s server" " %d seconds after %d failures\n", DCC_IS_GREY_STR(class), fail_time, class->fail_exp); } } i = now/DCCPROC_COST - info->dccproc_last/DCCPROC_COST; if (i > DCCPROC_MAX_CREDITS*2) i = DCCPROC_MAX_CREDITS*2; else if (i < 0) i = 0; i += info->dccproc_c; if (i > DCCPROC_MAX_CREDITS) i = DCCPROC_MAX_CREDITS; else if (i < -DCCPROC_MAX_CREDITS) i = -DCCPROC_MAX_CREDITS; if (grey != 1 && (i < DCCPROC_MAX_CREDITS || !DCC_IS_TIME(now, info->dccproc_dccifd_try, DCCPROC_TRY_DCCIFD))) { printf("# %d dccproc balance since %s", i, dcc_time2str(date_buf, sizeof(date_buf), "%X", info->dccproc_last)); if (!DCC_IS_TIME(now, info->dccproc_dccifd_try, DCCPROC_TRY_DCCIFD)) printf("; do not try to start dccifd until %s", dcc_time2str(date_buf, sizeof(date_buf), "%X", info->dccproc_dccifd_try)); putchar('\n'); } need_blank_line = 1; } /* show IPv4/IPv6 and source only once and not at all unless * not the default in an anonymous file */ if (!map_nm || (map_nm && grey != 1)) { if (info->fgs & DCC_INFO_FG_IPV6_OFF) { fputs(DCC_INFO_TXT_IPV6_OFF, stdout); need_blank_line = 1; } else if (info->fgs & DCC_INFO_FG_IPV4_OFF) { fputs(DCC_INFO_TXT_IPV6_ONLY, stdout); need_blank_line = 1; } else if (map_nm && grey != 1) { fputs(DCC_INFO_TXT_IPV6_ON, stdout); need_blank_line = 1; } if (info->fgs & DCC_INFO_FG_SOCKS) { fputs(" "DCC_INFO_TXT_USE_SOCKS, stdout); need_blank_line = 1; } if (info->src4.ip.family != AF_UNSPEC || info->src6.ip.family != AF_UNSPEC) { print_info_src(info, DCC_INFO_TXT_USE_SRC); need_blank_line = 1; } if (map_nm && grey != 1) { printf(" "DCC_INFO_TXT_VERSION"%d\n", DCC_INFO_TXT_VERSION_CUR); need_blank_line = 1; } } /* see if any server has an RTT adjustment */ have_rtt_adj = 0; for (nam_inx = 0; nam_inx < DIM(class->nms); ++nam_inx) { if (class->nms[nam_inx].hostname[0] == '\0') continue; if (class->nms[nam_inx].rtt_adj != 0) { have_rtt_adj = 1; break; } } if (!have_rtt_adj) { for (ap = class->addrs; ap<=LAST(class->addrs); ++ap) { if (ap->srvr_pkt_vers < DCC_PKT_VERS && ap->srvr_id != DCC_ID_INVALID) { have_rtt_adj = 1; break; } } } memset(printed_addr, 0, sizeof(printed_addr)); /* convert each non-null hostname */ for (nam_inx = 0; nam_inx < DIM(class->nms); ++nam_inx) { if (class->nms[nam_inx].hostname[0] == '\0') continue; /* First display the main line for a host */ if (class->nms[nam_inx].defined == 0) need_blank_line = 1; if (!need_blank_line && nam_inx != 0) { for (ap = class->addrs; ap<=LAST(class->addrs); ++ap) { if (ap->nam_inx == nam_inx) { need_blank_line = 1; break; } } } if (need_blank_line) { need_blank_line = 0; if (!quiet) putchar('\n'); } i = printf("%s", class->nms[nam_inx].hostname); i = (i >= 26) ? 1 : (26-i); port = class->nms[nam_inx].port; if (port == DCC_GREY2PORT(grey)) printf(",%-*s", i, "- "); else printf(",%-*d", i, ntohs(port)); if (grey) fputs(" Greylist", stdout); if (have_rtt_adj) { i = printf(" RTT%+d ms", class->nms[nam_inx].rtt_adj/1000); i = (i >= 12) ? 1 : (12-i); printf("%*s", i, ""); } /* Suppress the password if it does not exist or is secret */ if (class->nms[nam_inx].clnt_id == DCC_ID_ANON) { fputs(" "DCC_XHDR_ID_ANON"\n", stdout); } else { printf(" %5d "DCC_PASSWD_PAT"\n", class->nms[nam_inx].clnt_id, show_passwd ? class->nms[nam_inx].passwd : ""); } if (class->nms[nam_inx].defined == 0) { need_blank_line = 1; fputs("# undefined name or wrong IP version\n", stdout); } /* display operating information for each IP address * kludge sort the IP addresses */ for (ap_prev = 0, i = 0; i < DCC_MAX_SRVR_ADDRS; ap_prev = ap_next, ++i) { ap_next = 0; for (ap = class->addrs; ap<=LAST(class->addrs); ++ap) { if (ap->nam_inx != nam_inx || ap->ip.family == AF_UNSPEC) continue; /* find smallest IP address not yet printed */ if (printed_addr[ap - class->addrs]) continue; if (ap_next && ap->ip.family >= ap_next->ip.family && 0 <= memcmp(&ap->ip.u, &ap_next->ip.u, sizeof(ap->ip.u)) && ap->ip.port >= ap_next->ip.port) continue; if (!ap_prev || ap->ip.family >= ap_prev->ip.family || 0 <= memcmp(&ap->ip.u, &ap_prev->ip.u, sizeof(ap->ip.u)) || ap->ip.port >= ap_prev->ip.port) ap_next = ap; } if (!ap_next) break; if (!quiet) print_srvr(class, ap_next, names, have_rtt_adj); printed_addr[ap_next - class->addrs] = 1; need_blank_line = 1; } } for (ap = class->addrs, i = 0; ap <= LAST(class->addrs); ++ap, ++i) { if (ap->ip.family == 0) continue; if (printed_addr[i]) continue; printf("\n# stray address entry #%d, nam_inx %d:\n", i, ap->nam_inx); print_srvr(class, ap, names, have_rtt_adj); } #undef dcc_clnt_info }