/* Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse heap debugging * * --C-LICENSE-- * $Revision: 1.25 $ */ #include "dcc_defs.h" #include "dcc_heap_debug.h" #include void dcc_malloc_lock(void); void dcc_malloc_unlock(void); #ifndef DCC_UNIX #include "malloc.h" #endif /* !DCC_UNIX */ typedef u_long SENTINEL; #define HEAD_SENTINEL_VALUE 0xdeadbeaf #define TAIL_SENTINEL_VALUE 0xbeafdead typedef struct mdbg{ SENTINEL head; struct mdbg *fwd, *bak; SENTINEL *tail; } MDBG; u_int dcc_num_mdbg; /* global to suppress warnings */ MDBG *dcc_mdbg_chain; /* when not used */ MDBG *bad_mp; int bad_i; /* leave a few names outside to make some `ar`s happy */ #ifdef DCC_DEBUG_HEAP /* This needs to do as little as possible to avoid calling malloc(). * Global and no DCC_NORET to avoid confusion in dumps. */ void dcc_heap_abort(const char *m) { #ifdef DCC_UNIX static int die; /* suppress no-return warning */ write(STDERR_FILENO, m, strlen(m)); if (++die) abort(); #else bad_message_box("heap_debug", 1, m); #endif } char * dcc_strdup(const char *s) { char *p; p = dcc_malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(p, s); return p; } void dcc_malloc_check(void) { MDBG *mp; u_int i; i = dcc_num_mdbg; if (!i) return; mp = dcc_mdbg_chain; for (;;) { if (mp->head != HEAD_SENTINEL_VALUE || *mp->tail != TAIL_SENTINEL_VALUE) dcc_heap_abort("trashed heap sentinel"); if (mp->bak->fwd != mp || mp->fwd->bak != mp) { bad_mp = mp; bad_i = i; dcc_heap_abort("malloc chain trashed"); } if (--i == 0) { if (mp->fwd != dcc_mdbg_chain) { bad_mp = mp; bad_i = i; dcc_heap_abort("wrong malloc chain too long"); } #ifndef DCC_UNIX i = _heapchk(); if (i != _HEAPOK && i != _HEAPEMPTY) dcc_heap_abort("heapchk() failed"); #endif return; } else if (mp->fwd == dcc_mdbg_chain) { bad_mp = mp; bad_i = i; dcc_heap_abort("wrong malloc chain too short"); } mp = mp->fwd; } } void * dcc_malloc(size_t len) { MDBG *mp; dcc_malloc_lock(); dcc_malloc_check(); if (!len) dcc_heap_abort("malloc(0)"); len += sizeof(MDBG) + sizeof(mp->tail); len += (sizeof(mp->tail) - len) & (sizeof(mp->tail)-1); /* align tail */ mp = malloc(len); if (!mp) return mp; if (!dcc_num_mdbg) { mp->fwd = mp->bak = mp; } else { mp->bak = dcc_mdbg_chain; mp->fwd = dcc_mdbg_chain->fwd; mp->bak->fwd = mp; mp->fwd->bak = mp; } dcc_mdbg_chain = mp; mp->head = HEAD_SENTINEL_VALUE; mp->tail = (SENTINEL *)((u_char *)mp+len-sizeof(mp->tail)); *mp->tail = TAIL_SENTINEL_VALUE; dcc_num_mdbg++; dcc_malloc_unlock(); return (mp+1); } void * dcc_calloc(size_t n, size_t s) { void *p; s *= n; if (s == 0) dcc_heap_abort("zero calloc() size"); p = dcc_malloc(s); if (!p) return p; memset(p, 0, s); return p; } void dcc_free(void *p) { int i; MDBG *mp; dcc_malloc_lock(); dcc_malloc_check(); i = dcc_num_mdbg; mp = dcc_mdbg_chain; for (;;) { if (!i) dcc_heap_abort("freeing non-malloc"); if (mp+1 == p) break; mp = mp->fwd; i--; } if (dcc_mdbg_chain == mp) dcc_mdbg_chain = mp->fwd; mp->bak->fwd = mp->fwd; mp->fwd->bak = mp->bak; dcc_num_mdbg--; memset(mp, 0xf1, (u_char *)mp->tail+sizeof(mp->tail)-(u_char *)mp); dcc_malloc_check(); dcc_malloc_unlock(); free(mp); } #endif /* DCC_DEBUG_HEAP */