/* Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse * * work on a job in the server * * --C-LICENSE-- * $Revision: 1.343 $ */ #include "dccd_defs.h" typedef struct { time_t us; u_int ops; } Q_DELAY_SEC; static Q_DELAY_SEC q_delays[9]; static Q_DELAY_SEC q_delays_sum; /* sum of all but q_delays[0] */ static time_t q_delays_start; /* second for q_delays[0] */ DCCD_STATS dccd_stats; u_char query_only; /* 1=treat reports as queries */ u_char grey_weak_body; /* 1=ignore bodies for greylisting */ u_char grey_weak_ip; /* 1=a good triple whitelists addr */ u_char complained_missing_date; /* report cache used to detect duplicate or retransmitted reports */ static RIDC *ridc_newest, *ridc_oldest; static u_int ridc_blocks; static RIDC_HASH *ridc_hash, *old_ridc_hash; #define RIDC_HASH_CHECK_SECS 30 /* assume we cannot handle more than 10,000 reports/second. */ #define MAX_RIDC_BLOCKS (10*1000*RIDC_HASH_CHECK_SECS) static inline RIDC ** ridc_hash_fnc(const QUEUE *q, RIDC_HASH *hash) { u_long sum; /* The client's (ID,RID,HID,PID) should be unique and * constant for retransmissions of a single request. * We cannot trust it entirely, if only because of anonymous clients. */ sum = q->pkt.hdr.sender; sum += q->pkt.hdr.op_nums.h; sum += q->pkt.hdr.op_nums.p; sum += q->pkt.hdr.op_nums.r; return &hash->bins[sum % hash->num_bins]; } static inline u_char ridc_cmp(const RIDC *ridc, const QUEUE *q) { return (ridc->d.clnt_port == DCC_SU_PORT(&q->clnt_su) && !memcmp(&ridc->d.hdr, &q->pkt.hdr, sizeof(ridc->d.hdr)-sizeof(ridc->d.hdr.op_nums.t))); } /* make some (more) RID blocks and (re)build the hash table */ static void ridc_make_blocks(void) { u_int new_blocks, n; RIDC *ridc; double rate; new_blocks = (ridc_blocks != 0) ? ridc_blocks : 20; ridc = dcc_malloc(new_blocks*sizeof(*ridc)); if (!ridc) dcc_logbad(EX_OSERR, "malloc(%d RIDC blocks) failed", new_blocks); memset(ridc, 0, new_blocks*sizeof(*ridc)); /* make the new blocks oldest */ n = 0; if (!ridc_oldest) { ridc_oldest = ridc_newest = ridc; ++n; ++ridc; } while (n < new_blocks) { ridc_oldest->older = ridc; ridc->newer = ridc_oldest; ridc_oldest = ridc; ++n; ++ridc; } /* Complain if we are receiving an impossible number of requests/sec */ if ((db_debug || ridc_blocks > MAX_RIDC_BLOCKS) && ridc_hash) { rate = ridc_hash->probes; if (ridc_hash->searches != 0) rate /= ridc_hash->searches; dcc_trace_msg("increase from %d to %d RIDC blocks with" " %d bins; average search length %.1f", ridc_blocks, ridc_blocks+new_blocks, ridc_hash->num_bins, rate); } ridc_blocks += new_blocks; /* hurry hash table size check */ if (ridc_hash) ridc_hash->check_time = 0; } static inline void ridc_chain_check_reset(void) { ridc_hash->probes = 0; ridc_hash->searches = 0; ridc_hash->check_time = db_time.tv_sec + RIDC_HASH_CHECK_SECS; } static void ridc_free_old_hash(void) { RIDC **bin, *ridc; if (!old_ridc_hash) return; for (bin = &old_ridc_hash->bins[0]; bin < &old_ridc_hash->bins[old_ridc_hash->num_bins]; ++bin) { for (ridc = *bin; ridc; ridc = ridc->hfwd) { ridc->bin = 0; ridc->d.last_used = 0; } } dcc_free(old_ridc_hash); old_ridc_hash = 0; } static void ridc_expand_hash(void) { u_int old_bins, new_bins; size_t hsize; double rate; old_bins = ridc_hash ? ridc_hash->num_bins : 0; new_bins = old_bins/8 + old_bins; /* Most RIDC searches fail and so go to the end of the hash chain. * So follow the old rules and make the hash table 10% larger * than the number of blocks. */ if (new_bins < (ridc_blocks*11)/10) new_bins = (ridc_blocks*11)/10; if (new_bins > MAX_RIDC_BLOCKS) new_bins = MAX_RIDC_BLOCKS; new_bins = hash_divisor(new_bins, 0); if (new_bins == old_bins) { dcc_trace_msg("%d RIDC blocks and %d bins are enough", ridc_blocks, ridc_hash->num_bins); ridc_chain_check_reset(); } ridc_free_old_hash(); old_ridc_hash = ridc_hash; if (old_ridc_hash) old_ridc_hash->check_time = (db_time.tv_sec + DCC_MAX_RETRANS_DELAY_SECS); hsize = sizeof(*ridc_hash) + (new_bins-1)*sizeof(ridc_hash->bins); ridc_hash = dcc_malloc(hsize); if (!ridc_hash) dcc_logbad(EX_OSERR, "malloc(%d RIDC hash table) failed", new_bins); memset(ridc_hash, 0, hsize); ridc_hash->num_bins = new_bins; if (db_debug && old_ridc_hash) { rate = old_ridc_hash->probes; if (old_ridc_hash->searches != 0) rate /= old_ridc_hash->searches; dcc_trace_msg("increase from %d to %d RIDC bins for %d blocks;" " average search length %.1f", old_ridc_hash->num_bins, ridc_hash->num_bins, ridc_blocks, rate); } ridc_chain_check_reset(); } static void ridc_ref(RIDC *ridc, RIDC **new_bin, u_int probes) { ridc->d.last_used = db_time.tv_sec + DCC_MAX_RETRANS_DELAY_SECS; /* Make the entry most recently used. */ if (ridc->newer) { ridc->newer->older = ridc->older; if (ridc->older) ridc->older->newer = ridc->newer; else ridc_oldest = ridc->newer; ridc->older = ridc_newest; ridc_newest->newer = ridc; ridc_newest = ridc; ridc->newer = 0; } /* Move the entry to the head of its hash chain. */ if (*new_bin != ridc) { if (ridc->hfwd) ridc->hfwd->hbak = ridc->hbak; if (ridc->hbak) { ridc->hbak->hfwd = ridc->hfwd; } else if (ridc->bin) { *ridc->bin = ridc->hfwd; } ridc->hbak = 0; ridc->bin = new_bin; if ((ridc->hfwd = *new_bin) != 0) ridc->hfwd->hbak = ridc; *new_bin = ridc; } /* update the average search length * and expand the hash bins if necessary */ ridc_hash->probes += probes; ++ridc_hash->searches; if (ridc_hash->searches > 100 && DB_IS_TIME(ridc_hash->check_time, RIDC_HASH_CHECK_SECS) && (!old_ridc_hash || DB_IS_TIME(old_ridc_hash->check_time, DCC_MAX_RETRANS_DELAY_SECS))) { if (ridc_hash->probes/ridc_hash->searches > 2) ridc_expand_hash(); ridc_chain_check_reset(); } } /* get the report cache block for an operation */ static u_char /* 0=new operation, 1=retransmission */ ridc_get(QUEUE *q) { RIDC *ridc, **bin; u_int probes; /* initialize on first use */ if (ridc_blocks == 0) { ridc_make_blocks(); ridc_expand_hash(); } /* Look for the block in the current hash table. */ bin = ridc_hash_fnc(q, ridc_hash); for (ridc = *bin, probes = 1; ridc; ridc = ridc->hfwd, ++probes) { /* Reports are relatively small, so we * can afford to not trust the client's * RID to be unique. Compare all but the * client's transmission #. */ if (ridc_cmp(ridc, q)) { /* found it, so make it newest */ ridc_ref(ridc, bin, probes); q->ridc = ridc; return 1; } } /* Look in the old hash table if we did not find the entry. */ if (old_ridc_hash) { for (ridc = *ridc_hash_fnc(q, old_ridc_hash); ridc; ridc = ridc->hfwd) { if (ridc_cmp(ridc,q)) { ridc_ref(ridc, bin, probes); q->ridc = ridc; return 1; } } /* discard old hash table when all of its entries are old */ if (DB_IS_TIME(old_ridc_hash->check_time, DCC_MAX_RETRANS_DELAY_SECS)) ridc_free_old_hash(); } /* The block does not already exist, so create it from a recycled * block or from new memory. */ ridc = ridc_oldest; if (!DB_IS_TIME(ridc->d.last_used, DCC_MAX_RETRANS_DELAY_SECS)) { ridc_make_blocks(); ridc = ridc_oldest; } memcpy(&ridc->d.hdr, &q->pkt.hdr, sizeof(ridc->d.hdr)); ridc->d.clnt_port = DCC_SU_PORT(&q->clnt_su); ridc->d.op = DCC_OP_INVALID; ridc->d.bad = 1; ridc->d.len = 0; /* note that ridc_ref() can invalidate bin */ ridc_ref(ridc, bin, probes); q->ridc = ridc; return 0; } #define RIDC_BAD(q) {if ((q)->ridc) (q)->ridc->d.bad = 1;} /* update the average queue delay at the start of a new second */ static void update_q_delay(void) { time_t secs; Q_DELAY_SEC *src, *tgt; secs = db_time.tv_sec - q_delays_start; if (secs == 0) return; /* At the start of a new second, * forget the delays for old seconds we no longer care about * and start accumulating delays for the new second * Slide accumulated delays and total operations previous seconds. */ q_delays_start = db_time.tv_sec; q_delays_sum.us = 0; q_delays_sum.ops = 0; tgt = LAST(q_delays); if (secs > 0 && secs < DIM(q_delays)) { src = tgt - secs; do { q_delays_sum.us += (tgt->us = src->us); q_delays_sum.ops += (tgt->ops = src->ops); --tgt; } while (src-- != &q_delays[0]); } memset(q_delays, 0, sizeof(q_delays[0]) * (tgt+1 - q_delays)); } /* compute the average queue delay this client should see */ static u_int avg_q_delay_ms(const QUEUE *q) { u_int ops; time_t us; /* get the average service delay excluding per-client-ID delays */ update_q_delay(); ops = q_delays[0].ops + q_delays_sum.ops; if (ops == 0) us = 0; else us = (q_delays[0].us + q_delays_sum.us + ops/2) / ops; /* add the per-client-ID penalty */ us += q->delay_us; return (us + 500) / 1000; } /* get a unique timestamp */ void new_ts(DCC_TS *ts) /* put it here */ { static struct timeval prev_time; static int faked; /* if we have generated a lot of fake timestamps * and our snapshot of the clock is old, * then check the clock in the hope it has ticked */ if (db_time.tv_usec <= prev_time.tv_usec && db_time.tv_sec == prev_time.tv_sec && faked > 100) { faked = 0; gettimeofday(&db_time, 0); } /* Try to make the next timestamp unique, but only as long * as time itself marches forward. This must work many times * a second, or the resoltion of DCC timestaps. * Worse, the increment can exhaust values from future seconds. * Forget about it if the problem lasts for more than 5 minutes. */ if (db_time.tv_sec > prev_time.tv_sec || (db_time.tv_sec == prev_time.tv_sec && db_time.tv_usec > prev_time.tv_usec) || db_time.tv_sec < prev_time.tv_sec-5*60) { /* either the current time is good enough or we must * give up and use it to make the timestamp */ prev_time = db_time; faked = 0; } else { /* fudge the previous timestamp to make it good enough */ prev_time.tv_usec += DCC_TS_USEC_MULT; if (prev_time.tv_usec >= DCC_US) { prev_time.tv_usec -= DCC_US; ++prev_time.tv_sec; } ++faked; } timeval2ts(ts, &prev_time, 0); } /* consume the timestamp in the queue entry or get a new one */ static void use_ts(DCC_TS *ts, QUEUE *q) { if ((q->flags & (Q_FG_HAVE_TS | Q_FG_USED_TS)) == Q_FG_HAVE_TS) { *ts = q->ts; q->flags |= Q_FG_USED_TS; } else { new_ts(ts); } } /* find database record for a server-ID */ static int /* -1=broken database 0=no record */ find_srvr_rcd(const DCC_SUM *sum, DCC_SRVR_ID id, u_char match_id, /* 1=an existing record must match id */ const char *str, DB_ST *rcd_st0) { DB_ST *rcd_st; DB_RCD_CK *found_ck; DB_PTR prev, loop_prev; rcd_st = rcd_st0 ? rcd_st0 : GET_DB_ST(); switch (db_lookup(&dcc_emsg, DCC_CK_SRVR_ID, sum, 0, rcd_st, &found_ck)) { case DB_FOUND_SYSERR: DB_ERROR_MSG2(str, dcc_emsg.c); if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return -1; case DB_FOUND_IT: /* look for a record that is neither junk nor deleted * and has the right server-ID */ loop_prev = DB_PTR_MAX+1; for (;;) { if (!DB_CK_JUNK(found_ck) && DB_TGTS_RCD(rcd_st->d.r) != 0 && (!match_id || DB_RCD_ID(rcd_st->d.r) == id)) { if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return 1; } prev = DB_PTR_EX(found_ck->prev); if (prev == DB_PTR_NULL) { if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } if (DB_PTR_IS_BAD(prev, loop_prev)) { db_failure(__LINE__,__FILE__, EX_DATAERR, &dcc_emsg, "looping hash chain of "L_HxPAT " at "L_HxPAT, prev, loop_prev); DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return -1; } loop_prev = prev; found_ck = db_map_rcd_ck(&dcc_emsg, rcd_st, prev, DCC_CK_SRVR_ID); if (!found_ck) { DB_ERROR_MSG2(str, dcc_emsg.c); if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return -1; } } break; case DB_FOUND_EMPTY: case DB_FOUND_CHAIN: case DB_FOUND_INTRUDER: break; } if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } /* find the database record of the type of a server */ int /* -1=broken database 0=no record */ find_srvr_rcd_type(DCC_SRVR_ID tgt_id, DB_ST *rcd_st) { DCC_SUM srvr_id_sum; int result; if (db_failed_line) return -1; DCC_ID_SRVR_TYPE_SET(&srvr_id_sum, tgt_id); result = find_srvr_rcd(&srvr_id_sum, DCC_ID_INVALID, 0, "checking server-ID state", rcd_st); return result; } /* find the server type in the table of IDs from the local ids file */ ID_TBL * find_srvr_type(DCC_SRVR_ID tgt_id) { ID_TBL *tp; DCC_SRVR_ID srvr_type; DB_ST *rcd_st; tp = find_id_tbl(tgt_id, db_debug != 0); /* check the database if it is not in the table */ if (!tp) { rcd_st = GET_DB_ST(); if (0 >= find_srvr_rcd_type(tgt_id, rcd_st)) { /* assume it is a simple server if there is * no declaration in the database */ srvr_type = DCC_ID_SRVR_SIMPLE; } else { srvr_type = DB_RCD_ID(rcd_st->d.r); if (!DCC_ID_SRVR_TYPE(srvr_type)) srvr_type = DCC_ID_SRVR_SIMPLE; } /* cache it in the table */ tp = add_id_tbl(tgt_id, 0, db_debug != 0); tp->srvr_type = srvr_type; free_db_st(rcd_st); } return tp; } /* refresh our claim to our server-ID or add some other housekeeping record */ void refresh_srvr_rcd(const DCC_SUM *sum, DCC_SRVR_ID id, time_t old, /* record must be newer than this */ time_t next, /* when next record needed */ const char *str) { DB_ST *rcd_st; DB_RCD new; int i; rcd_st = GET_DB_ST(); /* set the timer if it is not set or too far in the future */ if (host_id_next == 0 || host_id_next > next) { host_id_range = next - db_time.tv_sec; host_id_next = next; } /* add a new record if needed */ i = find_srvr_rcd(sum, DCC_ID_INVALID, 0, str, rcd_st); if (i < 0) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return; /* broken database */ } if (i > 0 && old != 0 && DB_RCD_ID(rcd_st->d.r) == id && ts2secs(&rcd_st->d.r->ts) > old) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return; } memset(&new, 0, sizeof(new)); new_ts(&new.ts); new.srvr_id = id; DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, 1); new.fgs_num_cks = 1; new.cks[0].type_fgs = DCC_CK_SRVR_ID; new.cks[0].sum = *sum; new.cks[0].prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &new, rcd_st)) DB_ERROR_MSG2(str, dcc_emsg.c); free_db_st(rcd_st); } /* make a key for a DCC_ID_SRVR_DATE record */ void date_rcd_ck(DCC_SUM *ck, time_t secs) { int days, hours, minutes; memset(ck, 0, sizeof(DCC_SUM)); secs %= ((DATE_RCD_RANGE_DAYS*24*60*60 + DATE_RCD_REP_SECS-1) / DATE_RCD_REP_SECS) * DATE_RCD_REP_SECS; secs -= secs % DATE_RCD_REP_SECS; minutes = secs / 60; hours = minutes/60; minutes = minutes % 60; days = hours/24; hours = hours % 24; snprintf((char *)ck->b, sizeof(ck->b), DATE_RCD_PAT, days, hours, minutes); } /* Find a DCC_ID_SRVR_DATE record. * These are timestamp records in the database. When we are searching the * database for a normal record with a given timestamp TS, * then we know it cannot have been received and so could not be in the * database before a timestamp record at TS-MAX_FLOD_CLOCK_SKEW, * where MAX_FLOD_CLOCK_SKEW is the maximum clock error at the source of * the normal record. */ int /* <0 if broken database */ find_date_rcd(time_t tgt_secs, DB_ST *rcd_st) /* put the record or garbage here */ { DCC_SUM sum; date_rcd_ck(&sum, tgt_secs); switch (db_lookup(&dcc_emsg, DCC_CK_SRVR_ID, &sum, 0, rcd_st, 0)) { case DB_FOUND_SYSERR: return -1; case DB_FOUND_IT: return 1; case DB_FOUND_EMPTY: case DB_FOUND_CHAIN: case DB_FOUND_INTRUDER: if (!complained_missing_date) { complained_missing_date = 1; dcc_trace_msg("missing %s date record", (char *)sum.b); } break; } return 0; } static void send_resp(const QUEUE *q, DCC_HDR *hdr, /* length in host byte order */ u_char no_msg) { u_int save_len; char ob[DCC_OPBUF]; int len, i; len = hdr->len; hdr->len = htons(len); /* callers must have dealt with the variations due to versions */ if (q->pkt.hdr.pkt_vers < DCC_PKT_VERS_MIN) hdr->pkt_vers = DCC_PKT_VERS_MIN; else if (q->pkt.hdr.pkt_vers > DCC_PKT_VERS_MAX) hdr->pkt_vers = DCC_PKT_VERS_MAX; else hdr->pkt_vers = q->pkt.hdr.pkt_vers; hdr->sender = htonl(my_srvr_id); hdr->op_nums = q->pkt.hdr.op_nums; if (q->passwd[0] != '\0') { /* sign with the password that authenticated the client */ dcc_sign(q->passwd, sizeof(q->passwd), hdr, len); #ifdef DCC_PKT_VERS8 } else if (q->pkt.hdr.pkt_vers <= DCC_PKT_VERS8) { /* Sign old protocol responses with the client's transaction * numbers if we do not have a good password. * This happens with anonymous clients */ dcc_sign((char *)&q->pkt.hdr.op_nums, sizeof(q->pkt.hdr.op_nums), hdr, len); #endif } else { memset((char *)hdr + (len-sizeof(DCC_SIGNATURE)), 0, sizeof(DCC_SIGNATURE)); } if (q->ridc) { save_len = len-sizeof(*hdr)-sizeof(DCC_SIGNATURE); if (save_len > ISZ(q->ridc->d.result)) { if (hdr->op == DCC_OP_ERROR) save_len = sizeof(q->ridc->d.result); else dcc_logbad(EX_SOFTWARE, "RIDC buffer overflow"); } q->ridc->d.len = save_len; memcpy(&q->ridc->d.result, hdr+1, save_len); q->ridc->d.op = hdr->op; q->ridc->d.bad = 0; } i = sendto(q->sp->udp, hdr, len, 0, &q->clnt_su.sa, DCC_SU_LEN(&q->clnt_su)); if (i < 0) { clnt_msg(q, "sendto(%s, %s): %s", dcc_hdr_op2str(ob, sizeof(ob), hdr), Q_CIP(q), ERROR_STR()); } else if (len != i) { clnt_msg(q, "sendto(%s, %s)=%d instead of %d", dcc_hdr_op2str(ob, sizeof(ob), hdr), Q_CIP(q), i, len); } else if (!no_msg && ((hdr->op == DCC_OP_ANSWER || hdr->op == DCC_OP_NOP) ? TMSG_BIT(QUERY) : TMSG_BIT(ADMN))) { dcc_trace_msg("sent %s to %s for %s", dcc_hdr_op2str(ob, sizeof(ob), hdr), Q_CIP(q), qop2str(q)); } } /* do not send an error response to a client */ static void DCC_PF(2,3) forget_error(QUEUE *q, const char *p, ...) { va_list args; RIDC_BAD(q); q->ip_rl->d.fgs |= RL_FG_DROPPED; if (q->block_rl) q->block_rl->d.fgs |= RL_FG_DROPPED; /* count it, but only once */ if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_BAD_OP)) { q->flags |= Q_FG_BAD_OP; ++dccd_stats.bad_op; } va_start(args, p); vclnt_msg(q, p, args); va_end(args); } /* send an error response to a client */ static void send_error(const QUEUE *q, const char *p, ...) { DCC_ERROR buf; int slen; va_list args; /* build and log the message */ va_start(args, p); slen = vsnprintf(buf.msg, sizeof(buf.msg), p, args); if (slen > ISZ(buf.msg)-1) slen = ISZ(buf.msg)-1; va_end(args); clnt_msg(q, "\"%s\" sent to %s", buf.msg, Q_CIP(q)); /* send it */ buf.hdr.len = sizeof(buf)-sizeof(buf.msg)+slen+1; buf.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ERROR; send_resp(q, &buf.hdr, 1); ++dccd_stats.send_error; } #define NORESP_EMSG(q) noresp_emsg(q, __LINE__) static void noresp_emsg(const QUEUE *q, int linenum) { dcc_error_msg("error near line %d in "DCC_VERSION" "__FILE__, linenum); RIDC_BAD(q); } /* tell client that a NOP or an administrative request was ok */ static void send_ok(QUEUE *q) { DCC_OK buf; time_t us; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.max_pkt_vers = max(min(q->pkt.hdr.pkt_vers, DCC_PKT_VERS_MAX), DCC_PKT_VERS_MIN); us = (q->delay_us + 500) / 1000; buf.qdelay_ms = htons(us); strncpy(buf.brand, brand, sizeof(buf.brand)); buf.hdr.op = DCC_OP_OK; buf.hdr.len = sizeof(buf); send_resp(q, &buf.hdr, 0); } static void repeat_resp(QUEUE *q) { struct { DCC_HDR hdr; u_char b[sizeof(q->ridc->d.result)]; } buf; char ob[DCC_OPBUF]; ++dccd_stats.report_retrans; if (q->ridc->d.bad) { TMSG1(RIDC, "repeat drop of %s", from_id_ip(q, 1)); return; } memcpy(&buf.hdr+1, &q->ridc->d.result, q->ridc->d.len); buf.hdr.op = q->ridc->d.op; buf.hdr.len = htons(q->ridc->d.len + sizeof(buf.hdr) + sizeof(DCC_SIGNATURE)); TMSG2(RIDC, "repeat previous response of %s for %s", dcc_hdr_op2str(ob, sizeof(ob), &buf.hdr), from_id_ip(q, 1)); buf.hdr.len = ntohs(buf.hdr.len); send_resp(q, &buf.hdr, 0); } /* find a checksum in the database */ static DCC_TGTS /* total or DCC_TGTS_INVALID */ get_ck_tgts(DB_RCD_CK **pfound_ck, DCC_CK_TYPES type, const DCC_SUM *sum, u_char must_have_it, /* 1=database broken if cksum absent */ DB_ST *rcd_st) /* the result */ { DB_RCD_CK *found_ck; if (!pfound_ck) pfound_ck = &found_ck; switch (db_lookup(&dcc_emsg, type, sum, 0, rcd_st, pfound_ck)) { case DB_FOUND_SYSERR: DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; case DB_FOUND_IT: return DB_TGTS_CK(*pfound_ck); case DB_FOUND_EMPTY: case DB_FOUND_CHAIN: case DB_FOUND_INTRUDER: if (must_have_it) { db_error_msg(__LINE__,__FILE__, "missing hash entry for %s %s ", DB_TYPE2STR(type), ck2str_err(type, sum, 0)); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } return 0; } return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } /* see if a count just passed a multiple of a threshold and so is * worth flooding or summarizing */ static u_char /* 1=time to summarize this checksum */ quick_sum_thold(DCC_CK_TYPES type, DCC_TGTS rpt_tgts, /* targets in this report */ DCC_TGTS ck_tgts) /* grand total */ { DCC_TGTS thold; DCC_TGTS new_mult, old_mult; thold = flod_tholds[type]; if (ck_tgts < thold || thold >= DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) return 0; if (thold == 0) return 1; /* Did the grand total pass a multiple of the bulk threshold? */ new_mult = ck_tgts / thold; old_mult = (ck_tgts - rpt_tgts) / thold; if (old_mult == new_mult) return 0; /* The interesting multiples are * 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 100, 200, 300, ... */ if (old_mult <= 2) /* handle most common case */ return 1; if (new_mult >= 100) { return old_mult/100 != new_mult/100; } else if (new_mult >= 40) { return old_mult < 40; } else if (new_mult >= 20) { return old_mult < 20; } else if (new_mult >= 10) { return old_mult < 10; } else if (new_mult >= 5) { return old_mult < 5; } return 0; } /* find previous value for a reputation or reputation total * despite adjustments */ static DCC_TGTS /* grand total or DCC_TGTS_INVALID */ get_rep_tgts(DCC_TGTS *rpt_tgtsp, /* count in last report */ DCC_CK_TYPES type, /* DCC_CK_REP_{BULK,TOTAL} */ const DCC_SUM *sum, /* look for this IP address */ DB_ST *rcd_st0) /* 0 or result here */ { DB_ST *rcd_st; int limit; DB_RCD_CK *found_ck; DB_PTR prev; DCC_TGTS tgts, rpt_tgts; if (rpt_tgtsp) *rpt_tgtsp = 0; rcd_st = rcd_st0 ? rcd_st0 : GET_DB_ST(); tgts = get_ck_tgts(&found_ck, type, sum, 0, rcd_st); if (tgts == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } if (tgts == 0) { /* quit if no record of checksum */ if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } /* skip a few reputation adjustments */ for (limit = 0; limit < 3; ++limit) { rpt_tgts = DB_TGTS_RCD_RAW(rcd_st->d.r); if (rpt_tgts != DCC_TGTS_REP_ADJ) { if (rpt_tgtsp) *rpt_tgtsp = rpt_tgts; if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return tgts; } prev = DB_PTR_EX(found_ck->prev); if (prev == DB_PTR_NULL) { if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } found_ck = db_map_rcd_ck(&dcc_emsg, rcd_st, prev, type); if (!found_ck) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(found_ck); } db_error_msg(__LINE__,__FILE__, "%d consecutive rep adjustments", limit); if (!rcd_st0) free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } /* See if a bulk reputation count is above its threshold for flooding * or if a total reputation is exculpatory. */ static int /* -1=broken database, 1=above thold */ rep_sum_thold(u_char dly, /* 1=working on delayed record */ const DCC_SUM *sum, DCC_TGTS bulk, /* bulk reputation including latest */ DCC_TGTS bulk_rpt, /* change by latest report */ DCC_TGTS total, /* total reputation including latest */ DCC_TGTS total_rpt) { u_int old, new; /* Local reputation thresholds matter little for flooding, except * perhaps to make less busy servers flood reports of evil based on * less evidence. The goal is have all servers agree about the * reputation of an IP addresse. We need to flood * if the reputation is not zero * or if the total is large enough to be exculpatory * * Always flood periodic summaries of delayed data if it is non-trivial * to keep all servers consistent. Delayed data that is not * summarized and flooded is lost. * * Flood new reports if they significant change things */ if (dly) { /* flood delayed summaries of enough evidence of evil */ if (bulk != DCC_TGTS_INVALID && bulk >= DCC_REP_TGTS_BULK_SIGNIF) return 1; /* flood delayed exculatory evidence */ if (total != DCC_TGTS_INVALID && total >= DCC_REP_TGTS_TOTAL_SIGNIF) return 1; } else { /* do not flood until we have real data */ if (total != DCC_TGTS_INVALID && total < DCC_REP_TGTS_TOTAL_MIN) return 0; } /* Fetch current values if we don't have them */ if (bulk == DCC_TGTS_INVALID || bulk_rpt == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { bulk = get_rep_tgts(bulk_rpt == DCC_TGTS_INVALID ? &bulk_rpt : 0, DCC_CK_REP_BULK, sum, 0); if (bulk == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) return -1; /* broken database */ } if (dly && bulk >= DCC_REP_TGTS_BULK_SIGNIF) return 1; if (total == DCC_TGTS_INVALID || total_rpt == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { total = get_rep_tgts(total_rpt == DCC_TGTS_INVALID ? &total_rpt : 0, DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL, sum, 0); if (total == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) return -1; /* broken database */ } if (dly) { if (total >= DCC_REP_TGTS_TOTAL_SIGNIF) return 1; /* flooding of summaries of delayed data depends on * the current values and not how much they have changed */ return 0; } /* do not flood until we have real data */ if (total < DCC_REP_TGTS_TOTAL_MIN) return 0; /* flash flood when the reputation changes by 5% */ old = get_reputation(bulk - bulk_rpt, total - total_rpt); new = get_reputation(bulk, total); if (new >= old + 5 || new + 5 <= old) return 1; return 0; } /* compute summarizable total for one checksum */ static DCC_TGTS /* delta or DCC_TGTS_INVALID */ sum_total(DCC_CK_TYPES type, /* look for this */ const DCC_SUM *sum, u_char must_have_it, /* 1=database broken if cksum absent */ DCC_TGTS *total, /* total including summarizable delta */ DB_PTR *oldestp, /* records included */ DB_PTR *newestp) { DB_ST *rcd_st; DB_PTR newest, prev, loop_prev; DB_RCD_CK *oldest_ck; DCC_TGTS rcd_tgts, delta; int i; if (total) *total = 0; if (newestp) *newestp = DB_PTR_NULL; if (oldestp) *oldestp = DB_PTR_NULL; rcd_st = GET_DB_ST(); rcd_tgts = get_ck_tgts(&oldest_ck, type, sum, must_have_it, rcd_st); if (rcd_tgts == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; /* broken database */ } if (rcd_tgts == 0) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } newest = rcd_st->s.rptr; delta = 0; loop_prev = DB_PTR_MAX+1; for (;;) { /* stop combining records at the first summary */ if (DB_RCD_SUMRY(rcd_st->d.r)) break; /* honor deletions */ rcd_tgts = DB_TGTS_RCD(rcd_st->d.r); if (rcd_tgts == 0) break; /* We can summarize only our own delayed reports * to prevent loops in the flooding topology from * inflating totals. */ if (DB_RCD_ID(rcd_st->d.r) == my_srvr_id) { /* Stop at the first record of our own for the * checksum that was not delayed. We always * start to add our own records marked to be * delayed. If they are important enough, we * generate a summary record, which often just * turns off the bit */ if (!DB_RCD_DELAY(rcd_st->d.r)) break; if (newestp) { *newestp = newest; newestp = 0; } if (oldestp) *oldestp = rcd_st->s.rptr; if (rcd_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { delta = DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY; if (total) *total = DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY; } else { delta += rcd_tgts; if (total) *total = (DB_TGTS_CK(oldest_ck) - rcd_tgts + delta); } } /* A spam report will have made all previous non-spam reports * of this checksum into junk when the spam report was added * to the database. */ if (rcd_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) break; prev = DB_PTR_EX(oldest_ck->prev); if (prev == DB_PTR_NULL) break; if (DB_PTR_IS_BAD(prev, loop_prev)) { db_failure(__LINE__,__FILE__, EX_DATAERR, &dcc_emsg, "looping hash chain of "L_HxPAT" at "L_HxPAT, prev, loop_prev); DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } loop_prev = prev; /* stop at the oldest record we might care about */ if (summarize_limit_secs < db_time.tv_sec - (24*60*60+60*60)) { summarize_limit_secs = (db_time.tv_sec - DCC_OLD_SPAM_SECS); #if DATE_RCD_RANGE_DAYS <= 1 #error "date rcd range too small" #endif i = find_date_rcd(summarize_limit_secs, rcd_st); if (i < 0) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } if (i > 0) summarize_limit = rcd_st->s.rptr; } if (prev <= summarize_limit) break; oldest_ck = db_map_rcd_ck(&dcc_emsg, rcd_st, prev, type); if (!oldest_ck) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } } free_db_st(rcd_st); return delta; } /* We have already summarized one of the pair of reputation checksums * named by 1 or 2 checksums. We must summarize both, * even if only one is the original record to protect their ratio. * The database must be locked. */ static u_char /* 0=broken database */ summarize_rep(const DB_RCD_CK *rep_ck) { DB_RCD new; DCC_TGTS total_delta, bulk_delta; DB_RCD_CK *new_ck; new.fgs_num_cks = DB_RCD_FG_SUMRY | 0; new_ck = new.cks; total_delta = sum_total(DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL, &rep_ck->sum, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (total_delta != 0) { if (total_delta == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) return 0; /* broken database */ DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, total_delta); ++new.fgs_num_cks; new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL; new_ck->sum = rep_ck->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new_ck; } bulk_delta = sum_total(DCC_CK_REP_BULK, &rep_ck->sum, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (bulk_delta != 0) { if (bulk_delta == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) return 0; /* broken database */ /* use one record if the values are the same * but two records if they differ */ if (bulk_delta != total_delta && total_delta != 0) { new.srvr_id = my_srvr_id; new_ts(&new.ts); if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &new, 0)) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); return 0; } /* start another new record */ new.fgs_num_cks = DB_RCD_FG_SUMRY | 0; new_ck = new.cks; } DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, bulk_delta); ++new.fgs_num_cks; new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_REP_BULK; new_ck->sum = rep_ck->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new_ck; } if (new_ck != new.cks) { new.srvr_id = my_srvr_id; new_ts(&new.ts); if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &new, 0)) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); return 0; } } return 1; } /* how many reputation checksums end a report? */ static int count_rep(const DB_RCD *new) { const DB_RCD_CK *new_ck; DCC_CK_TYPES type; new_ck = &new->cks[DB_NUM_CKS(new)-1]; type = DB_CK_TYPE(new_ck); if (!DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, type)) return 0; /* none */ if (new_ck == new->cks) return 1; /* only one checksum in the report */ --new_ck; type = DB_CK_TYPE(new_ck); if (DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, type)) return 2; return 1; } /* generate a summary record of checksum counts * On entry sumrcd_st points to the record whose checksums are * being summarized. It might be an incoming flooded record that * will not be part of the summary. * On exit sumrcd_st points to the same record or the original * has been trashed and sumrcd_st points to a moved copy. */ static u_char /* 0=sick db, 1=ok, 2=moved rcd */ summarize_rcd(DB_ST *sumrcd_st, u_char dly) /* 1=working on delayed records */ { DB_RCD new; DCC_TGTS rcd_tgts, new_tgts; DCC_TGTS tgts_total, tgts_delta; DCC_CK_TYPES type; DB_RCD_CK *cur_ck, *new_ck; int cur_num_cks; u_char rcd_needed; /* 1=have created rcd to add */ u_char move_ok; DB_PTR delay_ptr; DB_PTR rcd_pos; int rep_needed = -1; /* 0=rep cksums unneeded, 1=needed */ int rep_sumd = 0; const DB_RCD_CK *rep_ck = 0; if (db_lock() < 0) return 0; /* For each checksum whose flooding was delayed but is now needed, * generate a fake record that will be flooded */ cur_num_cks = DB_NUM_CKS(sumrcd_st->d.r); cur_ck = sumrcd_st->d.r->cks; new_tgts = 0; move_ok = 1; delay_ptr = DB_PTR_NULL; rcd_needed = 0; new_ck = new.cks; do { DB_PTR newest_ptr, oldest_ptr; u_char ck_needed; /* 0=unneeded, 1=unsure, 2=needed */ /* exclude this checksum if it is junk */ type = DB_CK_TYPE(cur_ck); if (DB_TEST_NOKEEP(db_parms.nokeep_cks, type)) continue; if (DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, type)) rep_ck = cur_ck; ck_needed = !DB_CK_JUNK(cur_ck); /* Sum counts of delayed reports for this checksum */ tgts_delta = sum_total(type, &cur_ck->sum, 1, &tgts_total, &oldest_ptr, &newest_ptr); if (tgts_delta == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) return 0; /* broken database */ if (delay_ptr == DB_PTR_NULL) delay_ptr = newest_ptr; /* Deletions and summaries between our record and the head * of the hash chain imply we should not flood this checksum. */ if (tgts_delta == 0) { move_ok = 0; continue; } /* we cannot do the job by simply moving or un-delaying * a single record if we summarize more than one record */ if (newest_ptr != oldest_ptr || newest_ptr != delay_ptr) move_ok = 0; if (ck_needed == 1) { /* investigate, because we are not sure if we should * included or exclude this checksum */ if (DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, type)) { if (rep_needed < 0) { /* 1 per delay period */ if (dly && flod_mmaps != 0 && (oldest_ptr > flod_mmaps->delay_pos)) { rep_needed = 1; } else { DCC_TGTS bulk, bulk_rpt; DCC_TGTS total, total_rpt; /* We do this only once * and the total checksum always * precedes the bulk checksum. * If we hit the bulk checksum, * we know there was no total * checksum and so the total delta * is 0. * If we hit the total checksum, * then the bulk checksum is either * next or absent */ if (DCC_CK_IS_REP_BULK(grey_on, type)) { bulk = tgts_total; bulk_rpt = tgts_delta; total = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; total_rpt = 0; } else { total = tgts_total; total_rpt = tgts_delta; bulk = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; if (cur_num_cks <= 1 || (!DCC_CK_IS_REP_BULK( grey_on, DB_CK_TYPE(cur_ck+1)))) bulk_rpt = 0; else bulk_rpt = tgts_delta; } rep_needed = rep_sum_thold(dly, &cur_ck->sum, bulk, bulk_rpt, total, total_rpt); } if (rep_needed < 0) return 0; /* broken database */ } if (rep_needed) ck_needed = 2; } else if (dly) { /* 1 worthwhile summary per delay period */ if ((flod_mmaps == 0 || oldest_ptr <= flod_mmaps->delay_pos) && tgts_total >= flod_tholds[type]) ck_needed = 2; } else { /* We are considering the need for a summary * based on a report just received from a client * or by flooding */ if (quick_sum_thold(type, tgts_delta, tgts_total)) ck_needed = 2; } } if (new_ck != new.cks) { /* We have already begun a summary record. */ if (tgts_delta == new_tgts) { /* extend it with this checksum even if we do * not really need to flood this checksum */ new_ck->type_fgs = type; new_ck->sum = cur_ck->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new.fgs_num_cks; ++new_ck; if (ck_needed == 2) rcd_needed = 1; continue; } /* We cannot extend the current summary record * with this checksum. */ /* Forget this checksum if we don't really need it. * Maybe we will be able to extend the current record * with the next checksum or maybe we will run out * checksums to summarize. */ if (ck_needed != 2) continue; /* Add the current summary record to the database if * it is needed. */ if (rcd_needed) { if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &new, 0)) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); return 0; } /* track # of reputation types summarized */ rep_sumd += count_rep(&new); } /* start a new summary record with this checksum. */ rcd_needed = 0; /* having added one summary record, * we cannot use the un-delay or move shortcuts */ move_ok = 0; } /* start a new summary record */ new.srvr_id = my_srvr_id; new_ts(&new.ts); new_tgts = tgts_delta; DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, new_tgts); new.fgs_num_cks = DB_RCD_FG_SUMRY | 1; new_ck = new.cks; new_ck->type_fgs = type; new_ck->sum = cur_ck->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new_ck; if (ck_needed == 2) rcd_needed = 1; } while (++cur_ck, --cur_num_cks > 0); /* finished if nothing more to summarize */ if (!rcd_needed) { /* summarize other flavor of reputation */ if (rep_sumd == 1) return summarize_rep(rep_ck); return 1; } /* Add the last summary record */ if (move_ok) { /* This last summary record is the first and should * be identical to a single old, delayed record. * * If possible, instead of adding a new record, * change the original record to not be delayed * Un-delaying is only possible if the original record * has not been passed by any of the floods. */ if (delay_ptr >= oflods_max_cur_pos && oflods_max_cur_pos != DB_PTR_NULL) { sumrcd_st->d.r->fgs_num_cks &= ~DB_RCD_FG_DELAY; DIRTY_RCD(sumrcd_st, 1); /* summarize other flavor of reputation */ rep_sumd += count_rep(sumrcd_st->d.r); if (rep_sumd == 1) return summarize_rep(rep_ck); return 1; } /* if we cannot un-delay the record, then move it by adding * a new copy and deleting the original */ memcpy(&new, sumrcd_st->d.r, DB_RCD_LEN(sumrcd_st->d.r)); new.fgs_num_cks &= ~DB_RCD_FG_DELAY; /* delete the old record */ DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(sumrcd_st->d.r, 0); sumrcd_st->d.r->fgs_num_cks &= ~DB_RCD_FG_DELAY; /* adjust the totals in the old record so * that the totals in the new record will be right */ rcd_tgts = DB_TGTS_RCD(&new); cur_num_cks = DB_NUM_CKS(sumrcd_st->d.r); cur_ck = sumrcd_st->d.r->cks; do { DCC_TGTS cur_tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(cur_ck); if (cur_tgts >= DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY || cur_tgts == 0) continue; cur_tgts -= rcd_tgts; DB_TGTS_CK_SET(cur_ck, cur_tgts); } while (++cur_ck, --cur_num_cks > 0); DIRTY_RCD(sumrcd_st, 1); /* add the new record to the database */ rcd_pos = db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &new, sumrcd_st); if (rcd_pos == DB_PTR_NULL) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); return 0; } /* summarize other flavor of reputation */ rep_sumd += count_rep(&new); if (rep_sumd == 1) return summarize_rep(rep_ck); return 1; } /* no short cut is possible, so just add the record */ if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &new, sumrcd_st)) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); return 0; } /* summarize other flavor of reputation */ rep_sumd += count_rep(&new); if (rep_sumd == 1) return summarize_rep(rep_ck); return 1; } /* generate a delayed summary for checksums in a record if necessary */ u_char /* 0=broken database */ summarize_dly(DB_ST *sumrcd_st) /* summarize this; might change ptr */ { DB_ST *rcd2_st; DCC_CK_TYPES type; const DB_RCD_CK *cur_ck; int cur_num_cks; DCC_TGTS ck_tgts; const DB_RCD_CK *rep_ck = 0; DCC_TGTS total_tgts = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; DCC_TGTS bulk_tgts = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; rcd2_st = GET_DB_ST(); /* look for a checksum that could be summarized */ cur_num_cks = DB_NUM_CKS(sumrcd_st->d.r); cur_ck = sumrcd_st->d.r->cks; do { /* junk does not matter */ type = DB_CK_TYPE(cur_ck); if (DB_TEST_NOKEEP(db_parms.nokeep_cks, type)) continue; /* nothing to do if the checksum has already been summarized */ ck_tgts = get_ck_tgts(0, type, &cur_ck->sum, 1, rcd2_st); if (ck_tgts == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { free_db_st(rcd2_st); return 0; } if (DB_RCD_SUMRY(rcd2_st->d.r)) continue; /* spam reports are ignored or not delayed */ if (ck_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) continue; /* Generate a summary for a bulk checksum * Records that are marked "delayed" are not flooded. * If a summary record is not synthesized and if the delay * marking not removed (instead of synthesizing a summary), * then the counts for a checksum will not be flooded. */ /* Summarize and so flood reputations if there is * evidence of evil * Postpone the decision until we are are sure we have * seen both reputation checksums. Either can be missing, * but if both are present, waiting removes the need to * look up one or the other to make the decision */ if (DCC_CK_IS_REP_TOTAL(grey_on, type)) { total_tgts = ck_tgts; rep_ck = cur_ck; continue; } if (DCC_CK_IS_REP_BULK(grey_on, type)) { bulk_tgts = ck_tgts; rep_ck = cur_ck; continue; } /* summarize the whole record as soon as we find an interesting * ckecksum */ if (ck_tgts >= flod_tholds[type]) { free_db_st(rcd2_st); return summarize_rcd(sumrcd_st, 1); } } while (++cur_ck, --cur_num_cks > 0); free_db_st(rcd2_st); if (rep_ck) { int rep_sum = rep_sum_thold(1, &rep_ck->sum, bulk_tgts, 0, total_tgts, 0); if (rep_sum) { if (rep_sum < 0) return 0; return summarize_rcd(sumrcd_st, 1); } } return 1; } /* See if passing on a flooded report would be worthwhile. It is worthwhile * to pass on reports of spam that have not been flooded recently * and of checksums that not yet or just barely reached spam. */ static u_char /* 0=sick database */ flod_worth(u_char *pflod, /* set =1 if report should be flooded */ const DB_RCD_CK *ck, /* checksum in the new record */ const DCC_CK_TYPES type) { DB_ST *tmp_st; DCC_TGTS total; int limit; DB_PTR delay_pos, prev; /* If the total with the new, incoming flooded report is small but * not trivial, then we should flood it out. */ total = DB_TGTS_CK(ck); if (total < REFLOOD_THRESHOLD) { /* our neighbors should not flood trivial reports, * but bugs happen */ if (total >= BULK_THRESHOLD/2) *pflod = 1; return 1; } tmp_st = GET_DB_ST(); /* Look for a recent report for this checksum that has been * or will be flooded. If we find one, and if the total * including it is large enough, we may not need to flood * the incoming report. If the total is too small, we * must flood the report. */ delay_pos = !flod_mmaps ? 0 : flod_mmaps->delay_pos; for (limit = 20; limit >= 0; --limit) { prev = DB_PTR_EX(ck->prev); if (prev == DB_PTR_NULL || prev < delay_pos) break; ck = db_map_rcd_ck(&dcc_emsg, tmp_st, prev, type); if (!ck) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); free_db_st(tmp_st); return 0; } /* if the previous total was small, * then we must flood the new report */ if (DB_TGTS_CK(ck) < REFLOOD_SMALL_THRESHOLD) { *pflod = 1; free_db_st(tmp_st); return 1; } /* The old total is large. * If this found old report is not very old and good, * we will flood it and so the newest needed not be flooded * and can be marked obsolete. */ if (!DB_CK_JUNK(ck) && DB_RCD_ID(tmp_st->d.r) != DCC_ID_COMP) { free_db_st(tmp_st); return 1; } } free_db_st(tmp_st); /* flood this one if we can't find a recent preceding report */ *pflod = 1; return 1; } /* The database must be locked. */ static u_char add_rep_adj(const DCC_SUM *sum) { DB_RCD adj_rcd; memset(&adj_rcd, 0, sizeof(adj_rcd)); new_ts(&adj_rcd.ts); DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&adj_rcd, DCC_TGTS_REP_ADJ); adj_rcd.srvr_id = my_srvr_id; adj_rcd.fgs_num_cks = 2; adj_rcd.cks[0].type_fgs = DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL; adj_rcd.cks[0].sum = *sum; adj_rcd.cks[1].type_fgs = DCC_CK_REP_BULK; adj_rcd.cks[1].sum = *sum; if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &adj_rcd, 0)) { DB_ERROR_MSG2("add rep adjustment", dcc_emsg.c); return 0; } return 1; } /* Add a record and deal with delaying its flooding. * We will delay flooding it if its totals are not interesting. * The database must be locked */ u_char /* 1=ok, delayed or not, 0=failure */ add_dly_rcd(DB_RCD *new, u_char flod_in, /* 1=flooded in */ DB_ST *new_st0) /* 0 or the new record on exit */ { DB_ST *new_st; DB_PTR rcd_pos; int num_cks; DB_RCD_CK *new_ck; DCC_CK_TYPES type; DCC_TGTS rpt_tgts, ck_tgts; u_char flod_out; /* 1=worth flooding out */ u_char keeper = 0; /* 1=worth delaying */ u_char summarize = 0; const DB_RCD_CK *rep_ck = 0; u_char need_rep_adj = 0; DCC_TGTS total_tgts = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; DCC_TGTS total_rpt_tgts = 0; DCC_TGTS bulk_tgts = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; DCC_TGTS bulk_rpt_tgts = 0; new_st = new_st0 ? new_st0 : GET_DB_ST(); /* put the record in the database */ rcd_pos = db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, new, new_st); if (rcd_pos == DB_PTR_NULL) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 0; } /* delete requests should not be delayed */ rpt_tgts = DB_TGTS_RCD_RAW(new_st->d.r); if (rpt_tgts == DCC_TGTS_DEL) { if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 1; } /* We always consider flooding our own reports * and the greylist thresholds are zilch. * Always flood big reports. */ flod_out = !flod_in || grey_on || rpt_tgts >= REFLOOD_THRESHOLD; for (num_cks = DB_NUM_CKS(new_st->d.r), new_ck = new_st->d.r->cks; num_cks > 0; ++new_ck, --num_cks) { /* ingore already obsolete reports */ if (DB_CK_JUNK(new_ck)) continue; /* ignore checksums we won't keep and so won't be flooded */ type = DB_CK_TYPE(new_ck); if (DB_TEST_NOKEEP(db_parms.nokeep_cks, type)) continue; /* Server-ID declarations cannot be summarized and should * not be delayed. */ if (type == DCC_CK_SRVR_ID) { flod_out = 1; break; } ck_tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(new_ck); if (ck_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { /* This checksum has a total of TOO_MANY and so * either the report has a target count of TOO_MANY * or is a report of a checksum already known to * be spam. Since this report of this checksum * was not marked obsolete as it was linked into the * database, it should not be delayed. */ if (rpt_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { /* if the report is of spam, then all of its * individual checksum totals will be * DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY. The checksums will be * obsolete, not kept, or the same as this. * There will be no reputation checksums. */ if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 1; } /* it is worth sending on even if was not ours */ flod_out = 1; continue; } /* This report has some potential value and should be delayed * instead of forgotten */ keeper = 1; if (DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, type)) { rep_ck = new_ck; /* adjust the reputation counts (after we have * finished comparing counts) to prevent overflow */ if (ck_tgts >= DCC_REP_TGTS_ADJ_LIMIT) { need_rep_adj = 1; summarize = 1; } /* relay all reputations that flood in */ flod_out = 1; if (type == DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL) { total_tgts = ck_tgts; total_rpt_tgts = rpt_tgts; } else { bulk_tgts = ck_tgts; bulk_rpt_tgts = rpt_tgts; } continue; } /* Summarize our records for the checksums in this record * if we just passed the threshold for one checksum. */ if (!summarize && !flod_in && quick_sum_thold(type, rpt_tgts, ck_tgts)) { summarize = 1; flod_out = 1; } /* If this is an incoming flooded checksum, * then pass it on if it is novel (has a low total) * or if we have not passed it on recently. */ if (!flod_out && !flod_worth(&flod_out, new_ck, type)) { if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 0; /* broken database */ } } if (!summarize && !flod_in && rep_ck) { /* Summarize and flood our delayed data * if this report changed a reputation significantly */ int rep_sum = rep_sum_thold(0, &rep_ck->sum, bulk_tgts, bulk_rpt_tgts, total_tgts, total_rpt_tgts); if (rep_sum) { if (rep_sum < 0) { if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 0; } summarize = 1; } } /* Reports of spam or that are "trimmed" or "obsolete" noise * should not be summarized or marked to be delayed. * They will be flooded or skipped by the flooder */ if (!keeper) { if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 1; } if (!flod_in) { /* Delay and eventually summarize our own reports of non-spam. * If this report is significant, we will have decided to * summarize any older, delayed reports with it. If it * is alone, it will be converted and not delayed. */ new_st->d.r->fgs_num_cks |= DB_RCD_FG_DELAY; DIRTY_RCD(new_st, 1); } else if (!flod_out) { /* We are dealing with a report flooded in from another * server that is not (yet?) worth flooding out. * We can't delay it, because we can't delay reports from * other servers, because we cannot summarize them. * Summarizing other servers' reports would allow * loops in the flooding topology to inflate the totals. * So mark it to be expired but not delayed. */ for (num_cks = DB_NUM_CKS(new_st->d.r), new_ck = new_st->d.r->cks; num_cks > 0; ++new_ck, --num_cks) { new_ck->type_fgs |= DB_CK_FG_JUNK; } DIRTY_RCD(new_st, 1); } if (summarize) { /* This record pushed us past a threshold for a checksum. * Generate a summary of our own delayed reports even if * this report was flooded in. */ if (!summarize_rcd(new_st, 0)) { if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 0; } } /* if necessary add a record to trim reputation values * and prevent overflow */ if (need_rep_adj) { if (!add_rep_adj(&rep_ck->sum)) { if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 0; } } if (!new_st0) free_db_st(new_st); return 1; } /* the database must be locked */ static u_char add_del(const DCC_CK *del_ck, QUEUE *q) { DB_RCD del_rcd; memset(&del_rcd, 0, sizeof(del_rcd)); use_ts(&del_rcd.ts, q); DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&del_rcd, DCC_TGTS_DEL); del_rcd.srvr_id = my_srvr_id; del_rcd.fgs_num_cks = 1; del_rcd.cks[0].type_fgs = del_ck->type; del_rcd.cks[0].sum = del_ck->sum; if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &del_rcd, 0)) { DB_ERROR_MSG2("add delete", dcc_emsg.c); return 0; } return 1; } static const DCC_CK * start_work(QUEUE *q) { const DCC_CK *ck, *ck_lim; DCC_CK_TYPES type, prev_type; int num_cks; u_char no_rep_complained; num_cks = q->pkt_len - (sizeof(q->pkt.r) - sizeof(q->pkt.r.cks)); if (num_cks < 0 || num_cks > ISZ(q->pkt.r.cks) || num_cks % sizeof(DCC_CK) != 0) { forget_error(q, "packet length %d wrong for %s", q->pkt_len, from_id_ip(q, 1)); return 0; } num_cks /= sizeof(DCC_CK); /* send previous response if this is a retransmission */ if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return 0; } if (db_failed_line) /* Silent while the database is bad */ return 0; ck = q->pkt.r.cks; ck_lim = &q->pkt.r.cks[num_cks]; /* check each checksum */ no_rep_complained = 0; for (prev_type = DCC_CK_INVALID; ck < ck_lim; ++ck, prev_type = type) { if (ck->len != sizeof(*ck)) { forget_error(q, "unknown checksum length %d%s", ck->len, from_id_ip(q, 0)); return 0; } /* requiring that the checksums be ordered makes it easy * to check for duplicates and for bogus long packets */ type = ck->type; if (!DCC_CK_TYPE_CLNT_OK(type)) { forget_error(q, "unknown checksum %s%s", DB_TYPE2STR(type), from_id_ip(q, 0)); return 0; } if (prev_type >= type) { forget_error(q, "out of order %s checksum%s", DB_TYPE2STR(ck->type), from_id_ip(q, 0)); return 0; } /* Notice clients that want to but are not authorized to * get reputation results. */ if (DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, type) && !(q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_ANS_OK) && !no_rep_complained) { no_rep_complained = 1; clnt_msg(q, "unauthorized reputation request %s", from_id_ip(q, 0)); } } if (db_lock() < 0) { NORESP_EMSG(q); return 0; } return ck_lim; } /* send the response and release q */ static void fin_work(const QUEUE *q, DCC_HDR *answer) { int delay_us; /* send the response */ answer->op = DCC_OP_ANSWER; send_resp(q, answer, 0); /* update the average queue delay, unless it is crazy */ gettimeofday(&db_time, 0); delay_us = tv_diff2us(&db_time, &q->answer); if (delay_us < 0) return; update_q_delay(); q_delays[0].us += delay_us; ++q_delays[0].ops; } /* release q on failure */ static u_char make_answer(QUEUE *q, const DCC_CK *ck_lim, u_char have_rcd, /* rcd_st is new record */ DB_ST *rcd_st, DCC_ANSWER *answer, DCC_TGTS gross_tgts, /* total for this report, maybe MANY */ DCC_TGTS net_tgts, /* real total for this report */ u_char is_bulk, int *rep, DCC_TGTS* max_tgts) /* statistics */ { DB_ST *ck_st; const DCC_CK *ck; DCC_TGTS c_tgts; /* current count with this report */ DCC_TGTS p_tgts; /* count before this report */ DCC_ANSWER_BODY_CKS *b; DCC_CK_TYPES type; const DB_RCD_CK *rcd_ck, *prev_rcd_ck; int num_rcd_cks; DB_PTR prev; DCC_TGTS rep_total = 0; if (rep) *rep = -1; *max_tgts = 0; ck_st = GET_DB_ST(); if (have_rcd) { rcd_ck = rcd_st->d.r->cks; num_rcd_cks = DB_NUM_CKS(rcd_st->d.r); } else { num_rcd_cks = 0; rcd_ck = 0; } b = answer->b; for (ck = q->pkt.r.cks; ck < ck_lim; ++ck) { type = ck->type; if (num_rcd_cks > 0 && type == DB_CK_TYPE(rcd_ck)) { /* try to copy answer from report's new record */ c_tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(rcd_ck); if (c_tgts < DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { /* here c_tgtsflags & Q_FG_REPS_ANS_OK)) { /* no reputation responses * without authorization */ c_tgts = 0; p_tgts = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } else if (type == DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL) { p_tgts = c_tgts - gross_tgts; } else if (type == DCC_CK_REP_BULK) { if (is_bulk) p_tgts = c_tgts - gross_tgts; else p_tgts = c_tgts; } else { p_tgts = c_tgts - gross_tgts; } } else { p_tgts = c_tgts - gross_tgts; } } else if (prev = DB_PTR_EX(rcd_ck->prev), prev == DB_PTR_NULL) { p_tgts = 0; } else { prev_rcd_ck = db_map_rcd_ck(&dcc_emsg, ck_st, prev, type); if (!prev_rcd_ck) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); RIDC_BAD(q); free_db_st(ck_st); return 0; } p_tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(prev_rcd_ck); } --num_rcd_cks; ++rcd_ck; } else { p_tgts = get_ck_tgts(0, type, &ck->sum, 0, ck_st); if (p_tgts == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { NORESP_EMSG(q); RIDC_BAD(q); free_db_st(ck_st); return 0; /* broken database */ } if (DB_TEST_NOKEEP(db_parms.nokeep_cks, type)) { /* uninteresting checksums have no value * unless they are whitelisted */ c_tgts = p_tgts; if (p_tgts == 0) p_tgts = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } else if (DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, type)) { if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_ANS_OK)) { c_tgts = 0; p_tgts = DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } else if (type == DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL) { c_tgts = db_sum_ck(p_tgts, net_tgts, type); } else if (type == DCC_CK_REP_BULK) { if (is_bulk) c_tgts = db_sum_ck(p_tgts, net_tgts, type); else c_tgts = p_tgts; } else { c_tgts = db_sum_ck(p_tgts, net_tgts, type); } } else { c_tgts = db_sum_ck(p_tgts, gross_tgts, type); } } b->c = htonl(c_tgts); b->p = htonl(p_tgts); #ifdef DCC_PKT_VERS5 if (q->pkt.hdr.pkt_vers <= DCC_PKT_VERS5) b = (DCC_ANSWER_BODY_CKS *)&b->p; else #endif ++b; /* compute the reputation for the totals for `cdcc stats` */ if (DCC_CK_IS_REP_TOTAL(grey_on, type)) { if (q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_ANS_OK) { rep_total = c_tgts; continue; } } if (DCC_CK_IS_REP_BULK(grey_on, type)) { /* treat insufficient data the same as no bad * reputation because both will soon expire */ if (rep_total >= DCC_REP_TGTS_TOTAL_MIN && (q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_ANS_OK)) *rep = get_reputation(c_tgts, rep_total); else *rep = 0; continue; } if (*max_tgts < c_tgts && c_tgts <= DCC_TGTS_OK2) { *max_tgts = c_tgts; /* Complain about failures to whitelist by * trusted clients. The main use of this is * to detect whitelisting failures of IP addresses * such as for reputations, and those * matter only for known clients. */ if ((p_tgts >= DCC_TGTS_OK) && (q->flags & Q_FG_TRUSTED)) TMSG4(WLIST, "%s whitelisted %s %s%s", qop2str(q), DB_TYPE2STR(type), ck2str_err(type, &ck->sum, 0), from_id_ip(q, 0)); } } answer->hdr.len = (sizeof(*answer) - sizeof(answer->b) + ((char *)b - (char *)answer->b)); free_db_st(ck_st); return 1; } /* release q on failure * the database must be locked */ static u_char do_report(QUEUE *q, DCC_TGTS tgts0, const DCC_CK *ck_lim, DCC_ANSWER *answer, int *rep, DCC_TGTS *max_tgts) { const DCC_CK *ck; const DCC_CK *rep_total_ck = 0; const DCC_CK *rep_bulk_ck = 0; u_char is_bulk = 0; DB_ST *sumrcd_st; DCC_TGTS tgts; DCC_TGTS gross_tgts; /* DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY if spam */ DB_PTR rcd_pos; DB_RCD new; DB_RCD_CK *new_ck; DCC_CK_TYPES type; char tgts_buf[DCC_XHDR_MAX_TGTS_LEN]; u_char result; tgts = tgts0; if (tgts & (DCC_TGTS_SPAM | DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM)) { tgts &= DCC_TGTS_MASK; if (tgts == 0) tgts = 1; gross_tgts = DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY; } else if (tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { tgts = 1; gross_tgts = DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY; } else if (tgts > DCC_TGTS_RPT_MAX) { forget_error(q, "bogus target count %s%s", tgts2str(tgts_buf, sizeof(tgts_buf), tgts, grey_on), from_id_ip(q, 0)); return 0; } else { gross_tgts = tgts; } if (gross_tgts < 10) { ; } else if (tgts0 & DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM) { ; } else if (gross_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { ++dccd_stats.reportmany; } else if (gross_tgts > 1000) { ++dccd_stats.report1000; } else if (gross_tgts > 100) { ++dccd_stats.report100; } else if (gross_tgts > 10) { ++dccd_stats.report10; } /* Get ready to add the report to the database, * and as a side effect, find the data to answer the query. * Start by creating the record to add to the database. */ use_ts(&new.ts, q); new.srvr_id = my_srvr_id; DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, gross_tgts); /* copy checksums to the new record */ new.fgs_num_cks = 0; new_ck = new.cks; for (ck = q->pkt.r.cks; ck < ck_lim; ++ck) { type = ck->type; if (type == DCC_CK_IP) { /* Do not record reputation changes for notices * from commercial clients that a previous report * is now known to be of bulk mail as the result of * a reputation hit. */ if (tgts0 & DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM) continue; /* Record reputation data from authorized clients. */ if (q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_RPT_OK) { rep_total_ck = ck; rep_bulk_ck = ck; } } if (DB_TEST_NOKEEP(db_parms.nokeep_cks, type)) continue; if (DCC_CK_IS_BODY(type)) { if (is_bulk) { ; } else if (gross_tgts >= BULK_THRESHOLD) { is_bulk = 1; } else { DB_ST *ck_st; DCC_TGTS ck_tgts; ck_st = GET_DB_ST(); ck_tgts = get_ck_tgts(0, type, &ck->sum, 0, ck_st); free_db_st(ck_st); if (ck_tgts == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { NORESP_EMSG(q); return 0; } ck_tgts = db_sum_ck(tgts, ck_tgts, type); if (ck_tgts >= BULK_THRESHOLD && ck_tgts <= DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) is_bulk = 1; } } else if (DCC_CK_IS_REP_TOTAL(grey_on, type)) { /* Do not record reputation data if * the client is not authorized * or if this is a body adjustment resulting * from a reputation hit. */ if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_RPT_OK) || (tgts0 & DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM)) { rep_total_ck = 0; continue; } if (gross_tgts >= BULK_THRESHOLD && gross_tgts <= DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) is_bulk = 1; if (gross_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { /* Reputation records require real target counts * and so must be separate from spam reports. * Make a note of the IP address to create * a separate report */ rep_total_ck = ck; continue; } /* take care of the total reputation in main record */ rep_total_ck = 0; } else if (DCC_CK_IS_REP_BULK(grey_on, type)) { /* do not record reputation data if * the client is not authorized * or if this is a body adjustment resulting * from a reputation hit */ if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_RPT_OK) || (tgts0 & DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM)) { rep_bulk_ck = 0; continue; } if (!is_bulk) { /* if it is not bulk, * then forget the bulk reputation checksum */ rep_bulk_ck = 0; continue; } if (gross_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { /* Reputation records require real target counts * and so must be separate from spam reports. * Make a note of the IP address to create * a separate report */ rep_bulk_ck = ck; continue; } /* take care of the bulk reputation in main record */ rep_bulk_ck = 0; } new_ck->sum = ck->sum; new_ck->type_fgs = type; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new_ck; ++new.fgs_num_cks; } if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_RPT_OK)) { /* finished if this is a query */ return make_answer(q, ck_lim, 0, 0, answer, gross_tgts, tgts, is_bulk, rep, max_tgts); } if (new.fgs_num_cks == 0) { sumrcd_st = 0; rcd_pos = DB_PTR_NULL; } else { /* Add the record to the database. * That will update the totals for each checksum */ sumrcd_st = GET_DB_ST(); if (!add_dly_rcd(&new, 0, sumrcd_st)) { NORESP_EMSG(q); free_db_st(sumrcd_st); return 0; } rcd_pos = sumrcd_st->s.rptr; } /* add a separate reputation record if we did not already handle * the reputation checksums, * and we have either or both reputation checksums * and the client is authenticated. */ new.fgs_num_cks = 0; new_ck = new.cks; if (rep_total_ck) { new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_REP_TOTAL; new_ck->sum = rep_total_ck->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new_ck; ++new.fgs_num_cks; } if (rep_bulk_ck && is_bulk) { new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_REP_BULK; new_ck->sum = rep_bulk_ck->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new_ck; ++new.fgs_num_cks; } if (new.fgs_num_cks != 0) { DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, tgts); use_ts(&new.ts, q); if (!add_dly_rcd(&new, 0, sumrcd_st)) { NORESP_EMSG(q); if (sumrcd_st) free_db_st(sumrcd_st); return 0; } /* recover the main record to speed the answer */ if (rcd_pos != DB_PTR_NULL && !db_map_rcd(&dcc_emsg, sumrcd_st, rcd_pos, 0)) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); RIDC_BAD(q); free_db_st(sumrcd_st); return 0; } } /* generate the response, perhaps from the new record(s) */ result = make_answer(q, ck_lim, rcd_pos!=DB_PTR_NULL, sumrcd_st, answer, gross_tgts, tgts, is_bulk, rep, max_tgts); if (sumrcd_st) free_db_st(sumrcd_st); return result; } /* process a single real request */ void do_work(QUEUE *q) { const DCC_CK *ck_lim; DCC_ANSWER answer; DCC_TGTS max_tgts, tgts; int rep; ck_lim = start_work(q); if (!ck_lim) return; tgts = 0; switch (q->pkt.hdr.op) { case DCC_OP_QUERY: ++dccd_stats.queries; q->flags &= ~Q_FG_RPT_OK; break; case DCC_OP_REPORT: if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_RPT_OK)) { ++dccd_stats.report_reject; clnt_msg(q, "treat %s as query", from_id_ip(q, 1)); ++dccd_stats.queries; } else { tgts = ntohl(q->pkt.r.tgts); /* do not count 2nd operation for reputations hit */ if (!(tgts & DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM)) ++dccd_stats.reports; } break; case DCC_OP_INVALID: case DCC_OP_NOP: case DCC_OP_ANSWER: case DCC_OP_ADMN: case DCC_OP_OK: case DCC_OP_ERROR: case DCC_OP_DELETE: case DCC_OP_GREY_REPORT: case DCC_OP_GREY_QUERY: case DCC_OP_GREY_SPAM: case DCC_OP_GREY_WHITE: dcc_logbad(EX_SOFTWARE, "impossible queued operation"); break; } if (!do_report(q, tgts, ck_lim, &answer, &rep, &max_tgts)) { /* ensure that the clock ticks so rate limits don't stick */ gettimeofday(&db_time, 0); } else { /* notice the size of our answer */ if (max_tgts == DCC_TGTS_OK || max_tgts == DCC_TGTS_OK2) { ++dccd_stats.respwhite; } else if (tgts & DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM) { ; /* do not count 2nd op for rep hit */ } else if (max_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { ++dccd_stats.respmany; } else if (max_tgts > 1000) { ++dccd_stats.resp1000; } else if (max_tgts > 100) { ++dccd_stats.resp100; } else if (max_tgts > 10) { ++dccd_stats.resp10; } if (tgts & DCC_TGTS_REP_SPAM) { if (tgts & DCC_TGTS_SPAM) ++dccd_stats.report_reps; } else if (rep > 60) { ++dccd_stats.rep60; } else if (rep > 30) { ++dccd_stats.rep30; } else if (rep > 20) { ++dccd_stats.rep20; } else if (rep > 10) { ++dccd_stats.rep10; } else if (rep > 0) { ++dccd_stats.rep1; } else if (rep == 0 && (q->flags & Q_FG_REPS_ANS_OK)) { ++dccd_stats.norep; } fin_work(q, &answer.hdr); } } /* return 0 for a new embargo, * embargo count for an existing embargo, * DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY no embargo * DCC_TGTS_OK a newly expired embargo * DCC_TGTS_INVALID broken database */ static DCC_TGTS search_grey(const DCC_CK *req_ck3, /* triple checksum */ const DCC_CK *req_ckb, /* body seen with it */ u_char body_known) { DB_ST *rcd_st; DB_RCD_CK *ck3, *ckb; DB_PTR prev3; DCC_TS old_ts; DCC_TGTS result_tgts; int i; /* look for the triple checksum */ rcd_st = GET_DB_ST(); switch (db_lookup(&dcc_emsg, DCC_CK_GREY3, &req_ck3->sum, 0, rcd_st, &ck3)) { case DB_FOUND_EMPTY: case DB_FOUND_CHAIN: case DB_FOUND_INTRUDER: free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; case DB_FOUND_IT: /* We found the triple checksum. * If it is marked ok (MANY) or deleted, * then we have our answer */ result_tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(ck3); if (result_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY || result_tgts == 0) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return result_tgts; } /* Otherwise look for a report of the triple with * the right body checksum that is old enough. */ result_tgts = 0; timeval2ts(&old_ts, &db_time, -grey_embargo); for (;;) { ckb = rcd_st->d.r->cks; for (i = DB_NUM_CKS(rcd_st->d.r); i > 0; --i, ++ckb) { /* try the next report in the database * if it has the wrong body checksum * * If we are weak on bodies, * act as if all reports of the triple checksums * are with the right body checksum. */ if (!grey_weak_body && req_ckb) { if (DB_CK_TYPE(ckb) != DCC_CK_BODY) continue; if (memcmp(&req_ckb->sum, &ckb->sum, sizeof(req_ckb->sum))) break; } /* We found the right body checksum in * chain of the triple checksum * or we don't care. * * If the report is old enough, then * the embargo is over. */ if (ts_newer_ts(&old_ts, &rcd_st->d.r->ts)) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_OK; } /* If it is not old enough, * then we know this is not a new embargo for * this body (i.e. the reported target count * will be >0) and we must keep looking for an * old enough report with the body checksum. */ ++result_tgts; break; } /* If we know the body checksum is not in the database, * then there is no profit in looking at other reports * of the triple checksum to try to find an old enough * report that is with the right body checksum. * We know this is a new embargo. */ if (!body_known) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } /* If we reach the end of the chain of the * triple checksum without finding an old * enough report for the right body, * then the embargo is not over. */ prev3 = DB_PTR_EX(ck3->prev); if (prev3 == DB_PTR_NULL) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return result_tgts; } /* examine the timestamp of the preceding report * of the triple */ ck3 = db_map_rcd_ck(&dcc_emsg, rcd_st, prev3, DCC_CK_GREY3); if (!ck3) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } } break; case DB_FOUND_SYSERR: DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } free_db_st(rcd_st); return DCC_TGTS_INVALID; } void do_grey(QUEUE *q, DCC_CLNT_ID id) { DCC_OPS op; DB_ST *rcd_st; DB_RCD new; const DCC_CK *req, *req_lim; const DCC_CK *req_ck_ip, *req_ck_triple, *req_ck_msg, *req_ck_body; u_char body_known; DB_RCD_CK *new_ck, *found_ck; DCC_GREY_ANSWER resp; DCC_TGTS tgts; DCC_TGTS ip_tgts; /* existing count for DCC_CK_IP */ DCC_TGTS triple_tgts; /* " count for GREY_TRIPLE */ DCC_TGTS msg_tgts; /* " count for GREY_MSG */ DCC_TGTS eff_msg_tgts; /* effective value: 0=reported to DCC */ DCC_TGTS new_msg_tgts; /* value after this */ DCC_TGTS result_tgts; /* no embargo, ending, whitelist or # */ TMSG_OP(QUERY, q); if (!ck_clnt_id(q, id, anon_off)) return; if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_TRUSTED)) { clnt_msg(q, "drop %s", from_id_ip(q, 1)); return; } /* an embargo of 0 seconds means we should only collect names */ op = q->pkt.hdr.op; if (op == DCC_OP_GREY_REPORT && grey_embargo == 0) op = DCC_OP_GREY_WHITE; req_lim = start_work(q); if (!req_lim) return; rcd_st = GET_DB_ST(); /* Require * the body checksum, * the checksum of the (body,sender,target), * and the checksum of the (source,sender,target) triple. * Allow other checksums for whitelisting. */ ip_tgts = 0; body_known = grey_weak_body; req_ck_ip = 0; req_ck_body = 0; req_ck_triple = 0; req_ck_msg = 0; msg_tgts = eff_msg_tgts = 0; for (req = q->pkt.r.cks; req < req_lim; ++req) { /* Note our main checksums of the greylist triple and * the message body. Search the database for it later */ if (DCC_CK_IS_GREY_TRIPLE(1, req->type)) { req_ck_triple = req; continue; } if (!DCC_CK_OK_GREY_CLNT(req->type)) continue; /* ignore unknown checksums */ switch (req->type) { case DCC_CK_IP: req_ck_ip = req; break; case DCC_CK_BODY: req_ck_body = req; break; case DCC_CK_GREY_MSG: req_ck_msg = req; break; } /* check for whitelisting and whether this is a new embargo */ switch (db_lookup(&dcc_emsg, req->type, &req->sum, 0, rcd_st, &found_ck)) { case DB_FOUND_SYSERR: DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); RIDC_BAD(q); free_db_st(rcd_st); return; case DB_FOUND_IT: /* ignore deleted checksums */ tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(found_ck); if (tgts == 0) continue; /* honor whitelisting */ if (tgts == DCC_TGTS_GREY_WHITE && op != DCC_OP_GREY_WHITE) { op = DCC_OP_GREY_WHITE; ++dccd_stats.respwhite; } switch (req->type) { case DCC_CK_BODY: /* notice if the target body exists at all */ body_known = 1; break; case DCC_CK_GREY_MSG: msg_tgts = tgts; if (msg_tgts != DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { /* this is an old embargo that has * already been reported by the client * to a normal DCC server */ eff_msg_tgts = 1; } break; case DCC_CK_IP: ip_tgts = tgts; break; default: break; } break; case DB_FOUND_EMPTY: case DB_FOUND_CHAIN: case DB_FOUND_INTRUDER: break; } } if (!req_ck_triple) { send_error(q, "missing %s checksum for %s", DB_TYPE2STR(DCC_CK_GREY3), qop2str(q)); free_db_st(rcd_st); return; } if (op == DCC_OP_GREY_REPORT && !grey_weak_body) { if (!req_ck_body) { send_error(q, "missing body checksum for %s", qop2str(q)); free_db_st(rcd_st); return; } if (!req_ck_msg) { send_error(q, "missing %s checksum for %s", DB_TYPE2STR(DCC_CK_GREY_MSG), qop2str(q)); free_db_st(rcd_st); return; } } /* decide if the embargo should end */ triple_tgts = search_grey(req_ck_triple, req_ck_body, body_known); if (triple_tgts == DCC_TGTS_INVALID) { NORESP_EMSG(q); /* broken database */ free_db_st(rcd_st); return; } /* End existing embargo on a newly whitelisted sender so its * messages are logged. * Quietly prevent future embargos of whitelisted senders that have * not been greylisted. * Honor grey_weak_ip whitelisting even after it is turned off */ if (triple_tgts >= DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { result_tgts = triple_tgts; } else if (op == DCC_OP_GREY_WHITE) { result_tgts = eff_msg_tgts ? DCC_TGTS_OK : DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY; } else if (ip_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { result_tgts = DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY; } else { result_tgts = triple_tgts; } if (op == DCC_OP_GREY_QUERY) { ++dccd_stats.queries; } else if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_RPT_OK)) { ++dccd_stats.report_reject; clnt_msg(q, "treat %s as query", from_id_ip(q, 1)); ++dccd_stats.queries; } else { /* add a report for this message */ ++dccd_stats.reports; new.srvr_id = my_srvr_id; new_ck = new.cks; new.fgs_num_cks = 0; if (result_tgts < DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { if (req_ck_body) { new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_BODY; new_ck->sum = req_ck_body->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new.fgs_num_cks; ++new_ck; } new_msg_tgts = 1; DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, 1); } else { /* embargo now ending (DCC_TGTS_TOO_OK) * or no embargo (DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) */ if (grey_weak_ip && req_ck_ip) { new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_IP; new_ck->sum = req_ck_ip->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new.fgs_num_cks; ++new_ck; } new_msg_tgts = 0; DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(&new, DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY); } /* Include the GREY_MSG checksum in the database * record for a new embargo. * The message checksum lets an SMTP server report an * embargoed message to the DCC before the embargo is over, * but not report it more than once even if more than one * SMTP client retransmits the message. * * If the GREY_MSG checksum does not exist in the * database, then tell the DCC client the message is new * and should be reported to the DCC server. We must put the * the _GREY_MSG into the database so we will recognize * the message as not new when it is retransmitted. * * If the GREY_MSG checksum exists and is not MANY, * then we may have a retransmission of the message * from another IP address. * We need to tell the DCC client to not report to the * DCC server. The new value for the CK_GREY_MSG checksum * should be whatever we are using for the triple checksum. * * If the existing count for the GREY_MSG checksum is * MANY, and the new value for triple checksum is not MANY, * then we have a new copy of the message and a new embargo. * We have a spammer with multiple senders instead of a * legitimate multihomed SMTP client. We need to tell the * DCC client to report to the DCC server. To remember * that we told the DCC client to report to the DCC server, * we must first delete the existing MANY report of the * GREY_MSG checksum. */ if (eff_msg_tgts != new_msg_tgts && req_ck_msg) { if (msg_tgts == DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY && !add_del(req_ck_msg, q)) { NORESP_EMSG(q); free_db_st(rcd_st); return; } new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_GREY_MSG; new_ck->sum = req_ck_msg->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new.fgs_num_cks; ++new_ck; } /* Add the triple checksum if we are not whitelisting * by the IP address * or triple checksum is not new. * We do not want to leave any dangling triples in the * database */ if (!(grey_weak_ip && req_ck_ip) || result_tgts != DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) { new_ck->type_fgs = DCC_CK_GREY3; new_ck->sum = req_ck_triple->sum; new_ck->prev = DB_PTR_CP(DB_PTR_BAD); ++new.fgs_num_cks; } use_ts(&new.ts, q); if (!db_add_rcd(&dcc_emsg, &new, 0)) { DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); RIDC_BAD(q); free_db_st(rcd_st); return; } } /* In the result sent to the DCC client, * the triple checksum is preceeded by the message checksum * with a count of 0 if this is a new embargo. * Targets of messages of new embargos should be counted among * total targets in reports sent to DCC servers. After they * have been included in such an early report to a DCC server, * they should never be included again, except for bulk reputations. */ resp.msg = htonl(eff_msg_tgts); /* Answer SMTP DATA command greylist operations with the target * count of the triple checksum: * DCC_TGTS_OK if the embargo is just now being removed * DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY if there is no current embargo * DCC_TGTS_GREY_WHITE if whitelisted. * embargo # otherwise */ resp.triple = htonl(result_tgts); resp.hdr.len = sizeof(resp); fin_work(q, &resp.hdr); free_db_st(rcd_st); } static time_t picky_time(const QUEUE *q) { time_t ts, delta; /* If the request arrived while we were asleep, then the client's * timestamp ought to be smaller than when select() finished and * we think the request arrived. */ ts = ntohl(q->pkt.d.date); delta = ts - q->answer.tv_sec; if (delta <= 0) return delta; /* If the request arrived while we were handling some other request, * then its timestamp can be larger than the select() wake-up time * but should not be in the future. */ delta = ts - db_time.tv_sec; if (delta < 0) delta = 0; return delta; } static u_char /* 0=refuse the bad guy, 1=continue */ picky_admn(QUEUE *q, u_char any_id, u_char any_time) { time_t delta; if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_TRUSTED) || (q->clnt_id != my_srvr_id && !any_id)) { forget_error(q, "drop %s", from_id_ip(q, 1)); return 0; } if (any_id && any_time) return 1; /* Demand a current timestamp to guard against replay attacks. * This requires that administrators have clocks close to servers', * and that network and server delays be reasonable. */ delta = picky_time(q); if (delta < -MAX_CMD_CLOCK_SKEW || delta > MAX_CMD_CLOCK_SKEW) { send_error(q, "drop %s; timestamp off by %d seconds", qop2str(q), (int)delta); return 0; } return 1; } /* the database must be locked */ static u_char /* 1=ok, 0=error sent to client */ delete_sub(QUEUE *q, DCC_CK *del_ck, u_char grey_spam) { DB_ST *rcd_st; DB_RCD_CK *rcd_ck; char buf[80]; DB_PTR prev; DCC_TGTS tgts; rcd_st = GET_DB_ST(); buf[0] = '\0'; switch (db_lookup(&dcc_emsg, del_ck->type, &del_ck->sum, 0, rcd_st, &rcd_ck)) { case DB_FOUND_EMPTY: case DB_FOUND_CHAIN: case DB_FOUND_INTRUDER: /* finished if we have not greylisted the spammer */ if (grey_spam) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return 1; } /* ordinary deletions need a delete request added * to the database and flooded */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%s %s\" not found to delete", DB_TYPE2STR(del_ck->type), ck2str_err(del_ck->type, &del_ck->sum, 0)); if (del_ck->type == DCC_CK_SRVR_ID) { send_error(q, "%s", buf); free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } break; case DB_FOUND_IT: tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(rcd_ck); /* handle an ordinary delete request */ if (!grey_spam) { if (tgts == 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s already deleted", DB_TYPE2STR(del_ck->type), ck2str_err(del_ck->type, &del_ck->sum, 0)); break; } /* We are deleting a greylist checksum. * If we are deleting very new greylist records, * we can cheat and avoid adding to the database * by scribbling over the records. * If there is an older record that might have been flooded, * we must add a delete request to the database * that will itself be flooded. */ for (;;) { /* finished if the target has already been deleted */ if (tgts == 0) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return 1; } if (rcd_st->s.rptr < oflods_max_cur_pos || oflods_max_cur_pos == 0) { /* We need to add a delete request, because * the record might have been flooded */ break; } prev = DB_PTR_EX(rcd_ck->prev); /* try to delete the entire greylist entry * starting with the target triple checksum */ do { /* only if the embargo is not over */ if (DB_TGTS_CK(rcd_ck) >= DCC_TGTS_TOO_MANY) goto need_rcd; DB_TGTS_CK_SET(rcd_ck, 0); } while (--rcd_ck >= rcd_st->d.r->cks); DB_TGTS_RCD_SET(rcd_st->d.r, 0); DIRTY_RCD(rcd_st, 1); /* stop after the last record */ if (prev == DB_PTR_NULL) { free_db_st(rcd_st); return 1; } rcd_ck = db_map_rcd_ck(&dcc_emsg, rcd_st, prev, del_ck->type); if (!rcd_ck) { NORESP_EMSG(q); free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } tgts = DB_TGTS_CK(rcd_ck); } need_rcd:; break; case DB_FOUND_SYSERR: DB_ERROR_MSG(dcc_emsg.c); RIDC_BAD(q); free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } /* Add the delete request to the database even if the * checksum seems deleted or absent so that we will * flood the delete request. This is required to ensure that * records get deleted when they are created at one DCC server * and deleted at another. */ if (!add_del(del_ck, q)) BUFCPY(buf, dcc_emsg.c); if (buf[0] != '\0') { send_error(q, "%s", buf); free_db_st(rcd_st); return 0; } TMSG3(ADMN, "deleted %s %s%s", DB_TYPE2STR(del_ck->type), ck2str_err(del_ck->type, &del_ck->sum, 0), from_id_ip(q, 0)); free_db_st(rcd_st); return 1; } void do_delete(QUEUE *q, DCC_CLNT_ID id) { if (!ck_clnt_srvr_id(q, id, 1)) return; if (!picky_admn(q, 0, 0)) return; /* if we've already answered, then just repeat ourselves */ if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } log_op(q); /* always log delete operations */ ++dccd_stats.admin; if (q->pkt_len != sizeof(q->pkt.d)) { send_error(q, "wrong packet length %d for %s", q->pkt_len, qop2str(q)); return; } if (q->pkt.d.ck.len != sizeof(q->pkt.d.ck)) { send_error(q, "unknown checksum length %d", q->pkt.d.ck.len); return; } if (!DCC_CK_TYPE_DB_OK(q->pkt.d.ck.type)) { send_error(q, "unknown checkksum type %d", q->pkt.d.ck.type); return; } if (db_lock() < 0) { NORESP_EMSG(q); return; } if (delete_sub(q, &q->pkt.d.ck, 0)) { /* We need to clean the database after a deletion * to correct the totals of other checksums. * Don't bother for reputations or server-ID declarations. */ if (!DCC_CK_IS_REP(grey_on, q->pkt.d.ck.type) && q->pkt.d.ck.type != DCC_CK_SRVR_ID) need_del_dbclean = "checksum deleted"; send_ok(q); } } /* restore the embargo against a sender of spam */ void do_grey_spam(QUEUE *q, DCC_CLNT_ID id) { TMSG_OP(QUERY, q); if (!ck_clnt_id(q, id, 1)) return; if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_TRUSTED)) { clnt_msg(q, "drop %s", from_id_ip(q, 1)); return; } /* require the checksum of the (source,sender,target) triple */ if (q->pkt_len != sizeof(q->pkt.gs)) { send_error(q, "wrong packet length %d for %s", q->pkt_len, qop2str(q)); return; } if (q->pkt.gs.triple.type != DCC_CK_GREY3) { send_error(q, "%s instead of %s for %s", DB_TYPE2STR(q->pkt.gs.msg.type), DB_TYPE2STR(DCC_CK_GREY3), qop2str(q)); return; } if (q->pkt.gs.triple.len != sizeof(q->pkt.gs.triple)) { send_error(q, "unknown triple checksum length %d", q->pkt.gs.ip.len); return; } if (q->pkt.gs.msg.type != DCC_CK_GREY_MSG) { send_error(q, "%s instead of %s for %s", DB_TYPE2STR(q->pkt.gs.msg.type), DB_TYPE2STR(DCC_CK_GREY_MSG), qop2str(q)); return; } if (q->pkt.gs.msg.len != sizeof(q->pkt.gs.msg)) { send_error(q, "unknown msg checksum length %d", q->pkt.gs.ip.len); return; } if (q->pkt.gs.ip.type != DCC_CK_IP) { send_error(q, "%s instead of %s for %s", DB_TYPE2STR(q->pkt.gs.msg.type), DB_TYPE2STR(DCC_CK_IP), qop2str(q)); return; } if (q->pkt.gs.ip.len != sizeof(q->pkt.gs.ip)) { send_error(q, "unknown IP checksum length %d", q->pkt.gs.ip.len); return; } if (db_lock() < 0) { NORESP_EMSG(q); return; } if (delete_sub(q, &q->pkt.gs.ip, 1) && delete_sub(q, &q->pkt.gs.triple, 1) && delete_sub(q, &q->pkt.gs.msg, 1)) send_ok(q); } static void do_flod(QUEUE *q) { DCC_ADMN_RESP check; int print_len; u_int32_t val, arg; DCC_AOP_FLODS fop; FLOD_MMAP *mp; OFLOD_INFO *ofp; u_char loaded, found_it; val = ntohl(q->pkt.ad.val1); fop = val % 256; arg = val / 256; if (fop != DCC_AOP_FLOD_LIST) { if (!picky_admn(q, fop == DCC_AOP_FLOD_STATS, 0)) return; } switch (fop) { case DCC_AOP_FLOD_CHECK: /* `cdcc "flood check"` forces occasional defenses of * our server-ID */ if (host_id_next > db_time.tv_sec + 60) host_id_next = db_time.tv_sec; next_flods_ck = 0; got_hosts = 0; if (0 >= check_load_ids(0)) { send_error(q, "%s", dcc_emsg); return; } flod_stats_printf(check.val.string, sizeof(check.val.string), (!FLODS_OK() || flods_st == FLODS_ST_OFF) ? 0 : (flods_st != FLODS_ST_ON) ? 1 : 2, oflods.total, oflods.open, iflods.open); check.hdr.len = (strlen(check.val.string) + sizeof(check)-sizeof(check.val)); check.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ADMN; send_resp(q, &check.hdr, 0); flods_ck(1); check_blacklist_file(); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD_SHUTDOWN: if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } ++flods_off; flods_stop("shutdown flooding", 0); send_ok(q); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD_HALT: if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } ++flods_off; flods_stop("stop flooding", 1); send_ok(q); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD_RESUME: if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } if (0 >= check_load_ids(0)) { send_error(q, "%s", dcc_emsg); return; } if (flods_off) { flods_off = 0; flods_restart("resume flooding", 0); } send_ok(q); flods_ck(0); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD_REWIND: if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } if (flod_mmaps) { loaded = 0; } else if (!load_flod(0, 0)) { send_error(q, "too busy to rewind floods"); return; } else { loaded = 1; } found_it = (arg == DCC_ID_INVALID); for (mp = flod_mmaps->mmaps; mp <= LAST(flod_mmaps->mmaps); ++mp) { if (arg == DCC_ID_INVALID || mp->rem_id == arg) { mp->flags |= FLODMAP_FG_NEED_RWD; mp->flags &= ~FLODMAP_FG_FFWD_IN; dcc_trace_msg("rewind flood from server-ID %d", arg); found_it = 1; } } if (!found_it) { send_error(q, "unknown server-ID %d for %s", arg, qop2str(q)); } else { send_ok(q); flods_ck(0); } if (loaded) oflods_clear(); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD_LIST: loaded = !flod_mmaps && load_flod(1, 0); if (flod_mmaps) { print_len = flods_list(check.val.string, sizeof(check.val.string), (q->flags & Q_FG_TRUSTED)==0); } else { /* it is not an error if map is locked, because * dbclean uses this operation to see if we are * listening */ print_len = snprintf(check.val.string, ISZ(check.val.string), "too busy to list floods"); if (print_len >= ISZ(check.val.string)) print_len = ISZ(check.val.string)-1; } check.hdr.len = (print_len + sizeof(check)-sizeof(check.val)); check.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ADMN; send_resp(q, &check.hdr, 0); if (loaded) oflods_clear(); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD_STATS: case DCC_AOP_FLOD_STATS_CLEAR: print_len = flod_stats(check.val.string, sizeof(check.val.string), arg, fop == DCC_AOP_FLOD_STATS_CLEAR); if (print_len < 0) { send_error(q, "too busy to find flood stats"); return; } check.hdr.len = print_len + sizeof(check)-sizeof(check.val); check.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ADMN; send_resp(q, &check.hdr, 0); flods_ck(0); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD_FFWD_IN: case DCC_AOP_FLOD_FFWD_OUT: if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } if (flod_mmaps) { loaded = 0; } else if (!load_flod(0, 0)) { send_error(q, "too busy to fast-forward floods"); return; } else { loaded = 1; } ofp = oflods.infos; for (;;) { mp = ofp->mp; if (mp && mp->rem_id == arg) { /* found the target */ if (fop == DCC_AOP_FLOD_FFWD_OUT) { ofp->cur_pos = db_csize; if (ofp->soc < 0) mp->confirm_pos = db_csize; dcc_trace_msg("fast forward flood to %s", ofp->rem_hostname); } else { mp->flags |= FLODMAP_FG_FFWD_IN; mp->flags &= ~FLODMAP_FG_NEED_RWD; } send_ok(q); if (!loaded) flods_ck(0); break; } if (++ofp > LAST(oflods.infos)) { send_error(q, "unknown server-ID %d for %s", arg, qop2str(q)); break; } } if (loaded) oflods_clear(); return; } send_error(q, "unrecognized %s value %d", qop2str(q), fop); } void stats_clear(void) { OFLOD_INFO *ofp; memset(&dccd_stats, 0, sizeof(dccd_stats)); for (ofp = oflods.infos; ofp <= LAST(oflods.infos); ++ofp) { if (ofp->rem_hostname[0] == '\0') continue; /* The counts reported to `cdcc stats` are sums * of the dccd_stats and ofp->cnts values. Bias * the dccd_stats values by the current ofp->cnts values * so the reported counts will be zero. When the flooding * connection is closed, the ofp->cnts values will be added * to the dccd_stats values. */ dccd_stats.iflod_total -= ofp->cnts.total; dccd_stats.iflod_accepted -= ofp->cnts.accepted; dccd_stats.iflod_stale -= ofp->lc.stale.cur; dccd_stats.iflod_dup -= ofp->lc.dup.cur; dccd_stats.iflod_wlist -= ofp->lc.wlist.cur; dccd_stats.iflod_not_deleted -= ofp->lc.not_deleted.cur; } q_delays_start = 0; memset(&db_stats, 0, sizeof(db_stats)); dccd_stats.reset = db_time.tv_sec; } static u_char /* 1=sent 0=something wrong */ stats_send(QUEUE *q) { DCC_ADMN_RESP stats; char tbuf[80]; OFLOD_INFO *ofp; IFLOD_INFO *ifp; int oflods_connecting, iflods_connecting; DCC_SCNTR iflod_total, iflod_accepted, iflod_stale; DCC_SCNTR iflod_dup, iflod_wlist, iflod_not_deleted; char flod_buf[60]; char clients_reset[40], reset_buf[36], now_buf[36]; int clients; int age; const char *client_ovf; int blen, plen, len; tbuf[0] = '\0'; if (TMSG_BIT(ADMN)) strcat(tbuf, "ADMN "); if (TMSG_BIT(ANON)) strcat(tbuf, "ANON "); if (TMSG_BIT(CLNT)) strcat(tbuf, "CLNT "); if (TMSG_BIT(RLIM)) strcat(tbuf, "RLIM "); if (TMSG_BIT(QUERY)) strcat(tbuf, "QUERY "); if (TMSG_BIT(RIDC)) strcat(tbuf, "RIDC "); if (TMSG_BIT(FLOD1)) strcat(tbuf, "FLOOD1 "); if (TMSG_BIT(FLOD2)) strcat(tbuf, "FLOOD2 "); /* if (TMSG_BIT(xxx)) strcat(tbuf, "xxx "); */ if (TMSG_BIT(BL)) strcat(tbuf, "BL "); if (TMSG_BIT(DB)) strcat(tbuf, "DB "); if (TMSG_BIT(WLIST)) strcat(tbuf, "WLIST "); clients = clients_get(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, DCC_ID_INVALID); if (clients >= 0) { client_ovf = ""; } else { client_ovf = ">"; clients = -clients; } age = db_time.tv_sec - clients_cleared; if (age <= 24*60*60) { dcc_time2str(clients_reset, sizeof(clients_reset), "since %X", clients_cleared); } else if (age <= 3*24*60*60) { snprintf(clients_reset, sizeof(clients_reset), "in %d hours", (age + 60*60/2) / (60*60)); } else { snprintf(clients_reset, sizeof(clients_reset), "in %d days", (age + 24*60*60/2) / (24*60*60)); } oflods_connecting = 0; iflod_total = dccd_stats.iflod_total; iflod_accepted = dccd_stats.iflod_accepted; iflod_stale = dccd_stats.iflod_stale; iflod_dup = dccd_stats.iflod_dup; iflod_wlist = dccd_stats.iflod_wlist; iflod_not_deleted = dccd_stats.iflod_not_deleted; for (ofp = oflods.infos; ofp <= LAST(oflods.infos); ++ofp) { if (ofp->soc >= 0 && !(ofp->flags & OFLOD_FG_CONNECTED)) ++oflods_connecting; iflod_total += ofp->cnts.total; iflod_accepted += ofp->cnts.accepted; iflod_stale += ofp->lc.stale.cur; iflod_dup += ofp->lc.dup.cur; iflod_wlist += ofp->lc.wlist.cur; iflod_not_deleted += ofp->lc.not_deleted.cur; } iflods_connecting = 0; for (ifp = iflods.infos; ifp <= LAST(iflods.infos); ++ifp) { if (ifp->soc >= 0 && !(ifp->flags & IFLOD_FG_VERS_CK)) ++iflods_connecting; } dcc_time2str(reset_buf, sizeof(reset_buf),"%b %d %X", dccd_stats.reset); dcc_time2str(now_buf, sizeof(now_buf), "%b %d %X %Z", db_time.tv_sec); blen = min(sizeof(stats.val.string), ntohl(q->pkt.ad.val1)); plen = snprintf(stats.val.string, blen, " version "DCC_VERSION" %s%s%stracing %s\n" "%7d hash entries %6d used "L_DWPAT(9)" DB bytes\n" "%5d ms delay "L_DPAT" NOPs "L_DPAT"" " ADMN "L_DPAT" query %s%d clients %s\n", dbclean_running ? "DB UNLOCKED " : "", query_only ? "Q-mode " : "", grey_on ? "greylist " : "", tbuf[0] ? tbuf : "nothing", ADJ_HLEN(db_hash_len), ADJ_HLEN(db_hash_used), db_csize, avg_q_delay_ms(q), dccd_stats.nops, dccd_stats.admin, dccd_stats.queries, client_ovf, clients, clients_reset); if (plen >= blen) plen = blen-1; blen -= plen; if (grey_on) { len = snprintf(&stats.val.string[plen], blen, L_DWPAT(7)" reports "L_DWPAT(2)" whitelisted\n", dccd_stats.reports, dccd_stats.respwhite); } else { len = snprintf(&stats.val.string[plen], blen, L_DWPAT(8)" reports " L_DWPAT(7)">10 " L_DWPAT(7)">100 " L_DWPAT(7)">1000 " L_DWPAT(7)" many\n" " answers "L_DWPAT(7)">10 " L_DWPAT(7)">100 " L_DWPAT(7)">1000 " L_DWPAT(7)" many\n", dccd_stats.reports, (dccd_stats.report10 + dccd_stats.report100 + dccd_stats.report1000 + dccd_stats.reportmany), (dccd_stats.report100 + dccd_stats.report1000 + dccd_stats.reportmany), dccd_stats.report1000 + dccd_stats.reportmany, dccd_stats.reportmany, (dccd_stats.resp10 + dccd_stats.resp100 + dccd_stats.resp1000 + dccd_stats.respmany), dccd_stats.resp100 + dccd_stats.resp1000 + dccd_stats.respmany, dccd_stats.resp1000 + dccd_stats.respmany, dccd_stats.respmany); } if (len >= blen) len = blen-1; blen -= len; plen += len; len = snprintf(&stats.val.string[plen], blen, L_DWPAT(8)" bad op " L_DWPAT(4)" passwd " L_DWPAT(6)" blist " L_DWPAT(4)" reject " L_DWPAT(6)" retrans\n", dccd_stats.bad_op, dccd_stats.bad_passwd, dccd_stats.blist, dccd_stats.send_error, dccd_stats.report_retrans); if (len >= blen) len = blen-1; blen -= len; plen += len; if (!grey_on) { len = snprintf(&stats.val.string[plen], blen, L_DWPAT(8)" answers rate-limited " L_DWPAT(4)" anon " L_DWPAT(5)" reports rejected\n", dccd_stats.rl, dccd_stats.anon_rl, dccd_stats.report_reject); if (len >= blen) len = blen-1; blen -= len; plen += len; } len = snprintf(&stats.val.string[plen], blen, " %s " L_DWPAT(8)" total flooded in\n" L_DWPAT(8)" accepted " L_DWPAT(6)" stale " L_DWPAT(8)" dup " L_DWPAT(5)" white " L_DPAT" delete\n" L_DWPAT(8)" reports added between %s and %s", flod_stats_printf(flod_buf, sizeof(flod_buf), (dbclean_running || flods_st == FLODS_ST_OFF) ? 0 : (flods_st != FLODS_ST_ON) ? 1 : 2, oflods.total, oflods.open - oflods_connecting, iflods.open - iflods_connecting), iflod_total, iflod_accepted, iflod_stale, iflod_dup, iflod_wlist, iflod_not_deleted, dccd_stats.adds+db_stats.adds, reset_buf, now_buf); if (len >= blen) len = blen-1; blen -= len; plen += len; if (!grey_on) { len = snprintf(&stats.val.string[plen], blen, "\n"L_DWPAT(8)" no rep " L_DWPAT(5)">0%% " L_DWPAT(5)">10%% " L_DWPAT(5)">20%% " L_DWPAT(5)">30%% " L_DWPAT(5)">60%%" " bad "L_DPAT, dccd_stats.norep, (dccd_stats.rep1 + dccd_stats.rep10 + dccd_stats.rep20 + dccd_stats.rep30 + dccd_stats.rep60), (dccd_stats.rep10 + dccd_stats.rep20 + dccd_stats.rep30 + dccd_stats.rep60), dccd_stats.rep20 + dccd_stats.rep30 + dccd_stats.rep60, dccd_stats.rep30 + dccd_stats.rep60, dccd_stats.rep60, dccd_stats.report_reps); if (len >= blen) len = blen-1; blen -= len; plen += len; } stats.hdr.len = plen + sizeof(stats)-sizeof(stats.val); stats.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ADMN; send_resp(q, &stats.hdr, 0); return 1; } static void timestamp_send(const QUEUE *q) { time_t delta; DCC_ADMN_RESP msg; int blen, plen; delta = picky_time(q); blen = min(sizeof(msg.val.string), ntohl(q->pkt.ad.val1)); if (delta < -MAX_CMD_CLOCK_SKEW || delta > MAX_CMD_CLOCK_SKEW) { if (delta < -MAX_FLOD_CLOCK_SKEW || delta > MAX_FLOD_CLOCK_SKEW) { plen = snprintf(msg.val.string, blen, " clocks differ by about %d seconds" "\n which is more than the" " %d allowed for flooding", (int)delta, MAX_FLOD_CLOCK_SKEW); } else { plen = snprintf(msg.val.string, blen, " clocks differ by about %d seconds" "\n which is more than the" " %d allowed for commands", (int)delta, MAX_CMD_CLOCK_SKEW); } } else { plen = snprintf(msg.val.string, blen, " clocks differ by about %d seconds", (int)delta); } if (plen >= blen) plen = blen-1; msg.hdr.len = plen + sizeof(msg)-sizeof(msg.val); msg.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ADMN; send_resp(q, &msg.hdr, 0); } void do_nop(QUEUE *q, DCC_CLNT_ID id) { /* respond immediately to even anonymous NOPs so that clients * that are confused about passwords and whether they are anonymous * do not retransmit unnecessarily */ TMSG_OP(ADMN, q); ++dccd_stats.nops; if (!ck_clnt_srvr_id(q, id, anon_off)) { ++q->ip_rl->d.nops; if (q->block_rl) ++q->block_rl->d.nops; return; } ++q->ip_rl->d.nops; if (q->block_rl) ++q->block_rl->d.nops; send_ok(q); } /* deal with an adminstative request */ void do_admn(QUEUE *q, DCC_CLNT_ID id) { u_int32_t val1; DCC_ADMN_RESP resp; int len, offset; u_int32_t adelay_ms; struct in6_addr addr6; u_int val5_len; DCC_IP_RANGE tgt_range, *tgt_rangep; DCC_CLNT_ID tgt_id; val1 = ntohl(q->pkt.ad.val1); if (TMSG_BIT(ADMN) && !(q->flags & Q_FG_TRACED)) { if (!(q->flags & Q_FG_HAVE_TS)) { new_ts(&q->ts); q->flags |= Q_FG_HAVE_TS; } dcc_trace_msg("received val2=%#x val3=%#x in %s", q->pkt.ad.val2, q->pkt.ad.val3, op_id_ip(q)); q->flags |= Q_FG_TRACED; } ++dccd_stats.admin; if (!ck_clnt_srvr_id(q, id, anon_off)) return; val5_len = q->pkt_len - DCC_ADMN_REQ_MIN_SIZE; if (val5_len != 0 && val5_len <= DCC_MAX_ADMN_REQ_VAL5 && ((val5_len != sizeof(DCC_AOP_CLIENTS_VAL5_TGT_ADDR) && val5_len != sizeof(DCC_AOP_CLIENTS_VAL5)) || (q->pkt.ad.aop != DCC_AOP_CLIENTS && q->pkt.ad.aop != DCC_AOP_CLIENTS_ID))) { send_error(q, "%s size = %d", qop2str(q), q->pkt_len); return; } switch ((DCC_AOPS)q->pkt.ad.aop) { case DCC_AOP_STOP: /* stop gracefully */ if (!picky_admn(q, 0, 0)) return; if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } if (!stopint) { stopint = -1; if (val1 != 0) stop_mode = val1; next_flods_ck = 0; } send_ok(q); return; case DCC_AOP_FLOD: /* control flooding */ do_flod(q); return; case DCC_AOP_DB_CLEAN: /* start switch to new database */ if (!picky_admn(q, 0, 0)) return; /* repeat previous response to repeated question */ if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } if (!flods_off || oflods.total != 0) { send_error(q, "flooding not stopped before %s", qop2str(q)); return; } send_ok(q); /* asnwer now before we stall */ dcc_trace_msg("database cleaning begun"); next_flods_ck = 0; /* don't start our own cleaning */ del_dbclean_next = db_time.tv_sec + DEL_DBCLEAN_SECS; dbclean_limit = db_time.tv_sec + dbclean_limit_secs; /* Dbclean expects us to remove its separate hold on flooding * so that it will not need to talk to us after telling us * to close the old database. This because we might stall * on some systems with lame mmap() support including BSD/OS, * for minutes in close(). * It might be nice to be able to turn off flooding before * dbclean is run and have it remain off when dbclean * finishes. However, the need for that is very rare * and there are mysterious cases where flooding gets * turned off by dbclean and never restored. */ flods_off = 0; /* release and unmap buffers, possibly stalling */ dbclean_running = 1; db_unload(0, DB_UNLOAD_ENOUGH); if (need_clients_save > db_time.tv_sec + CLIENTS_QUICK_SAVE) need_clients_save = db_time.tv_sec + CLIENTS_QUICK_SAVE; return; case DCC_AOP_DB_NEW: /* finish switch to new database */ if (!picky_admn(q, 0, 0)) return; if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } if (!dbclean_running) { send_error(q, "%s received before %s", qop2str(q), dcc_aop2str(0, 0, DCC_AOP_DB_CLEAN, 0)); return; } /* send "ok" now because we may stall waiting to reopen */ send_ok(q); db_close(DB_CLOSE_NEW_DB); dccd_stats.adds += db_stats.adds; if (!dccd_db_open(DB_OPEN_LOCK_WAIT)) dcc_logbad(emsg_ex_code(&dcc_emsg), "could not restart database %s: %s", db_nm_path.c, dcc_emsg.c); flods_off = 0; /* get IDs before we resume flooding */ if (0 >= check_load_ids(2)) dcc_error_msg("%s", dcc_emsg.c); flods_restart("database reopened", 0); next_flods_ck = 0; /* possibly reap dbclean child */ dcc_trace_msg(DCC_VERSION" database %s reopened", db_nm_path.c); return; case DCC_AOP_STATS: /* return counters */ /* we cannot just repeat ourselves for retransmissions, * because the answer is too big to save */ stats_send(q); return; case DCC_AOP_STATS_CLEAR: /* return and then zero counters */ if (!picky_admn(q, 0, 0)) return; /* we cannot just repeat ourselves for retransmissions, * because the answer is too big to save */ if (stats_send(q)) { clients_clear(); stats_clear(); } return; case DCC_AOP_TRACE_ON: case DCC_AOP_TRACE_OFF: if (!picky_admn(q, 0, 0)) return; /* it is idempotent, but suppress duplicate trace messages */ if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } /* log trace changes even when tracing is off */ if (!(DCC_TRACE_ADMN_BIT & tracemask)) dcc_trace_msg("received %s", op_id_ip(q)); if ((val1 & ~DCC_TRACE_BITS) != 0 || val1 == 0) { send_error(q, "invalid trace bits %#x", val1); return; } if (q->pkt.ad.aop == DCC_AOP_TRACE_OFF) { tracemask &= ~val1; } else { tracemask |= val1; /* do not suppress the next duplicated flood message */ if (val1 & DCC_TRACE_FLOD1_BIT) ++flod_msg_gen; } send_ok(q); return; case DCC_AOP_CLIENTS: case DCC_AOP_CLIENTS_ID: if (!picky_admn(q, 1, 1)) return; /* We cannot repeat previous responses for retransmissions, * because answers are not saved. They are often too big. */ offset = (val1 >> 16) + (((u_int)q->pkt.ad.val4) << 16); val1 &= DCC_ADMIN_CLIENTS_MAX_THOLD; len = q->pkt.ad.val2; /* get the target CIDR block if present */ if (val5_len != 0 && q->pkt.ad.val5.clients.tgt_addr.bits != 0) { memcpy(&addr6, &q->pkt.ad.val5.clients.tgt_addr.addr6, sizeof(addr6)); if (!cidr2range(tgt_rangep = &tgt_range, &addr6, q->pkt.ad.val5.clients.tgt_addr.bits)) { char ibuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1]; send_error(q, "invalid CIDR block %s/%d", dcc_ipv6tostr(ibuf, sizeof(ibuf), &addr6), q->pkt.ad.val5.clients.tgt_addr.bits); return; } } else { tgt_rangep = 0; } if (val5_len == sizeof(DCC_AOP_CLIENTS_VAL5)) { memcpy(&tgt_id, &q->pkt.ad.val5.clients.tgt_id, sizeof(tgt_id)); tgt_id = ntohl(tgt_id); } else { tgt_id = DCC_ID_INVALID; } if (q->pkt.ad.aop == DCC_AOP_CLIENTS) clients_get(&resp.val, &len, offset, val1, q->pkt.ad.val3, tgt_rangep, tgt_id ); else clients_get_id(&resp.val, &len, offset, val1, q->pkt.ad.val3, tgt_rangep, tgt_id); resp.hdr.len = len + sizeof(resp)-sizeof(resp.val); resp.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ADMN; send_resp(q, &resp.hdr, 0); return; case DCC_AOP_ANON_DELAY: /* get and set the anonymous client delay * * repeat answer to identical question */ if (ridc_get(q)) { repeat_resp(q); return; } if (anon_off) adelay_ms = DCC_ANON_DELAY_FOREVER; else adelay_ms = anon_delay_us/1000; resp.val.anon_delay.delay[0] = adelay_ms>>8; resp.val.anon_delay.delay[1] = adelay_ms; if (anon_delay_inflate == DCC_ANON_INFLATE_OFF) { resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[0] = 0; resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[1] = 0; resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[2] = 0; resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[3] = 0; } else { resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[0] = anon_delay_inflate>>24; resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[1] = anon_delay_inflate>>16; resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[2] = anon_delay_inflate>>8; resp.val.anon_delay.inflate[3] = anon_delay_inflate; } adelay_ms = (q->pkt.ad.val2<<8) + q->pkt.ad.val3; if (adelay_ms != DCC_NO_ANON_DELAY && picky_admn(q, 0, 0)) { if (adelay_ms == DCC_ANON_DELAY_FOREVER) { anon_off = 1; anon_delay_us = DCC_ANON_DELAY_US_BLACKLIST; anon_delay_inflate = DCC_ANON_INFLATE_OFF; } else { anon_off = 0; if (adelay_ms > DCC_ANON_DELAY_MAX/1000) adelay_ms = DCC_ANON_DELAY_MAX/1000; anon_delay_us = adelay_ms*1000; if (val1 == 0) val1 = DCC_ANON_INFLATE_OFF; anon_delay_inflate = val1; } } resp.hdr.len = (sizeof(resp)-sizeof(resp.val) + sizeof(resp.val.anon_delay)); resp.hdr.op = DCC_OP_ADMN; send_resp(q, &resp.hdr, 0); return; case DCC_AOP_CLOCK_CHECK: timestamp_send(q); return; case DCC_AOP_OK: case DCC_AOP_unused1: default: break; } send_error(q, "invalid %s", qop2str(q)); }